





A Study of Pre-project Planning for Ecological Monitoring and Bio-indicators in Yushan National Park
長期生態監測是國家公園管理自然資源的重要基石。本計畫彙整玉山國家公園自71至106年度的205篇生態調查研究,建立園區歷年所累積紀錄的物種名錄,包含脊椎動物382種、無脊椎動物1,613種、維管束植物2,515種及苔蘚植物230種,除以Darwin Core來建立園區物種名錄及調查資料格式,並對應TaiBIF來修訂園區物種名錄。本計畫同時以500×500 m2網格系統,建立園區的79,973筆生物地理分布資訊。此外,本計畫也彙整歷年研究所提出之各類長期生態監測方法與指標物種的建議,並邀請國內相關領域之專家學者進行諮詢會議,以氣候變遷、物種保育、棲地保育、環境壓力、休閒遊憩與經營管理等六大議題,篩選提出18項(含6項優先推展、6項值得推展與6項衡量推展)長期生態監測與指標生物研究的規劃建議,同時對園區志工進行各類監測方法的現場操作模擬與教育訓練。
Ecological monitoring is an important mission of national park stewardship, and a keystone of the natural resource. This project integrated 205 ecological research reports from 1982 to 2017, and created species checklists within Yushan National Park including 382 species of vertebrates, 1,613 species of invertebrates, 2,515 species of vascular plants and 230 species of bryophytes. We have also established a digital archive of species checklist and investigation data format in consistent with Darwin Core standard and scientific names of Taiwan Catalogue of Life (TaiCOL). This project also integrated and digitized species occurrences from previous literatures and established 500 m2 grid system to show 79,973 records on the map. Furthermore, this project made several recommendations of long term ecological monitoring, assessment of indicator species based on previous research reports. The overall purpose for ecological monitoring is to determine the status and trend in the condition of selected ecological resources. Monitoring results will be used to assess the efficacy of management, provide early warning of threats, and provide a basis for understanding and identifying meaningful change in natural systems characterized by complexity and variability. This project also held expert counseling meetings from varies disciplines, including climate change, species conservation, habitat conservation, environmental pressure, recreation and management, to select 18 recommendations of long-term ecological monitoring and indicator species. Meanwhile, we have held several ecological monitoring simulations and trainings for volunteers of Yushan National Park.
  • 性質: 委託辦理計畫
  • 辦理方式: 委託辦理
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 107年5月至108年12月
  • 執行機關: 國立嘉義大學
  • 年度: 108
  • 計畫經費: 1,810千元
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 許富雄
  • 中文關鍵字: 長期生態監測,指標生物,脊椎動物,無脊椎動物,維管束植物,苔蘚植物
  • 英文關鍵字:Ecological monitoring, keystone ,vertebrates,invertebrates,vascular plants bryophytes,