




玉山國家公園玉山地體構造與地質演變-第 2 年地質地層與區域構造調查

The Structural and Geological Evolution of the Yushan Massif in the Yushan National Park - (II) Geological Survey
1. 新增北峰、八通關越嶺步道的1/10000路線地質圖,修正玉山主峰線路線地質圖與剖面圖,增修區分成7個岩段與上下層序關係。
2. 遙測判釋結果將研究區域分為岩層層跡、構造線、線型、地形面及冰河遺跡等五項,並比較文獻及現地查核,將獲得成果匯入地質圖中。
3. 新增3處解說點,以及編修第1年解說點內容。編製地質解說短片,以及地質解說手冊初稿。
This project aims to develop an evolution model of the Mt. Jade area in the Yushan National Park regarding the evolution in the geological structures and landforms around the area. The project is a three-year project; this report contains the results obtained from the study in the second year. Based on the data collected from remote sensing and field survey, the following results are obtained. 1. The route geologic maps (scale: 1/10000) of Mt. Jade (including the cross-sectional profiles) along the Mt. Jade main trail are modified. The major modification is the additional route map from the North Peak to Batongguan area. 2. The remote sensing results can reveal bedding trace, structure trace, lineation, geomorphological surface and glacial landform. These results, along with the results from the published literatures and field survey, serve the basis for constructing the geological map in the Mt. Jade area. 3. Base on the investigated results, the project proposes three new introductory boards along the trail. Furthermore, the project produces a short video and a guide book for explaining the rock formations, geologic structures and landforms in the Jade Mountain.
  • 性質: 委託辦理
  • 計畫編號: 1297
  • 辦理方式: 委託辦理
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 106年1月1日至106年12月31日
  • 執行機關: 國立交通大學防災與水環境研究中心
  • 年度: 106
  • 計畫經費: 新臺幣146萬元
  • 領域: 地球科學類
  • 主持人: 潘以文
  • 中文關鍵字: 玉山國家公園、玉山主峰、地形演變、遙測判釋、地質、冰河地形
  • 英文關鍵字:Yushan National Park; Jade Mountain; Geomorphological evolution; Remote sensing; Geology; Glacial landform