





The Study of Population Ecology and the Development of Conservation Plan for Formosan Black Bears in Yushan National Park(2/4)
本計畫旨在監測玉山國家公園大型哺乳動物相對豐富度和堅果產量,以瞭解台灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)及殼斗科森林生態系之複雜交互作用。大分地區的青剛櫟(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)自10月始果實成熟,並持續落果至2月。落果期的高峰為11月及12月,此時期落果量為該結果季之70%。樣區的堅果廣為野生動物所使用,被動物啃食的果粒佔200個種子陷阱所收集堅果的85%。兩種目視調查法皆顯示2007年的青剛櫟堅果產量較2006年高,或高達2倍。青剛櫟結果越多的樹木,台灣黑熊利用取食堅果的頻度也越高(r = 0.311, P<0.001, n = 498)。自動照相機系統共拍攝13種可辨識的較大型哺乳動物,累計2,448隻/群有效照片個體,整體OI值(Occurrence Index,即1000小時內所拍攝有效個體照片)為31.6。相機拍攝到的台灣黑熊有87% (n = 15)出現於11月及12月,與堅果落果高峰相符。樣區內的大型哺乳動物於青剛櫟季的相對豐富度是非青剛櫟季的2倍以上,顯示殼斗科結果對野生動物重樣性。
Based on the importance of conserving endangered species and of long-term ecological research, the second-year objective of the extensive study was designed to monitor the relative abundance of large mammals and acorn production for understanding the complicated interaction between Formosan black bears (Ursus thibetanus formosanus) and the oak forest ecosystem in Yushan National Park. The acorns of ring-cupped oak (Cyclobalanopsis glauca) in Daphan started to fall off and consumed by wildlife since October until February, but the peak occurred in Nov. and Dec. (70 % of the fallen acorns). The acorns were mostly used by wildlife, which caused 85% of the fallen acorns collected by 200 seed traps. Both of the visual survey methods indicated that the acorn production in 2007 was greater than, or twice of, that in 2006. We also found the greater the oak trees produced acorns, the more bears used the trees (r = 0.311, P<0.001, n = 498). The camera trapping identified 13 species of larger mammals out of 2,448 effective animal photos, with the Occurrence Index (OI, photos taken in 1,000 hours) of 31.6 (excluding unidentified small mammals). The camera data (2006–2007 Oct.) showed that 87% (n = 15, OI = 0.19) of bear photos were taken mainly in Nov. and Dec., which coincided with the acorn peak. The most abundant large ungulates was muntjacs (Muntiacus reevesi), followed by Sambar deer (Cervus unicolor), wild boars (Sus scrofa), and serow (Naemorhedus swinhoei). The occurrence of these animals, including bears, in the acorn forest indicated a obviously seasonal variation expect for serow. The relative abundance of large mammals in the acorn season was more than twice of that in the non-acorn season.
  • 性質: 動物
  • 辦理方式: 委託研究
  • 執行機關: 中華民國國家公園學會
  • 年度: 96
  • 計畫經費: 700(仟元)
  • 領域: 所有領域
  • 主持人: 黃美秀
  • 中文關鍵字: 台灣黑熊、堅果產量、青剛櫟、物候、相對豐富度、毛髮陷阱