





The Study of Population Ecology and the Development of Conservation Plan for Formosan Black Bears in Yushan National Park(4/4)
有鑑於保育瀕危物種的迫切性以及長期生態研究對於野生動物經營管理之必要性,本計畫將延續過去(1998–2002)於玉山國家公園進行之台灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)生態研究,第二階段利用四年之調查探討黑熊棲息地利用、族群、該物種與生態環境之交互作用,以增加我們對此物種野外生態習性之瞭解,作為成功保育該物種的依據。玉山國家公園大分地區為瀕危台灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)重要的棲息地,該地殼斗科植物-青剛櫟(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)的物候週期及結果變動,潛在地影響台灣黑熊時空上的活動模式和族群變動。今年之研究目標主要在探討大分地區殼斗科森林之青剛櫟之結果物候、週期和產量,以及與台灣黑熊和其他大型哺乳動物之相對豐富度和活動之關係,並初步瞭解該園區台灣黑熊之族群遺傳特性。
本研究在大分地區青剛櫟分佈的主要區域,所設定的樣線及樣點,總計5.2 公里長,作為青剛櫟和動物豐富度的固定調查樣線,動物痕跡調查樣線則多增設一條,共長5.9 公里。於青剛櫟開始落果前(九月底至十月中旬期間),以目視法估算該季的相對結果豐度指標。同時於落果前至結束期間,每隔50 公尺設置種子陷阱(n =195),每隔約一個月定期收集,以計算該季青剛櫟果實生產量,並比較不同年間結果季的果實產量差異。同時於2007 年5 月至2008 年5 月,持續一年每月針對45 個種子陷阱監測青剛櫟的結果物候。並利用痕跡調查(2007 年2月至2008 年12 月)和自動照相機(2006 年10 月至2009 年10 月)監測大型哺乳動物相對豐富度。
為了解青剛櫟果實豐富度與台灣黑熊活動之關係,於青剛櫟結果結束後,沿著青剛櫟果實調查樣線,計數樣線兩側各3 公尺內的所有黑熊痕跡,作為該季黑熊出現的相對指標。並加入鄰近區域的兩條樣線,共約9.5 公里,列入該季黑熊活動(痕跡)指標的調查樣線。此外,每次調查期間在調查樣線和行進路線旁搜尋、採集黑熊排遺,以進行後續的食性和遺傳分析,同時檢視熊毛陷阱及更新氣味劑,並收集毛髮,以利增加黑熊DNA 樣本。
大分地區青剛櫟樹的熟果期為10 月至次年2 月,但落果數量則以11 月及12 月為高峰期。利用兩種目視法估計各年青剛櫟結果狀況,顯示明顯的年間差異,產量以2008 年明顯最高,其次為2007 年,2006 年及2009 年則結果最差。種子陷阱的前三年估計結果亦呈相似的年間變化趨勢,而且三種方法估算樣樹的結果於各年皆呈顯著相關。
每個種子陷阱(85 cm 見方, n=195)各月平均收集的完整堅果數、受損堅果數、或前二者總量,皆以11 和12 月最高,其次為10 月和次年1 月,2 月最低。2007-2008 年所估計之總青剛櫟落果量分別為33、36、61 顆/m2。受損果實佔總收集量之比例為35%-47%,比例隨青剛櫟的總收集量增加而略遞減。
於2007 年青剛櫟結果季,11 月至12 月被移除的地面落果最高,為7-8 顆/m2,10 月和次年1 月則下降至不及一半(約2-3 顆/m2),至2 月堅果被移除的量則更低,僅0.2 顆/m2。每個月落到地面的櫟實83%-95%皆被移除,顯示動物對於本區青剛櫟落果的掠食壓力非常大。
痕跡調查和自動照相機的監測皆顯示,台灣黑熊的相對豐富度於各年之青剛櫟結果季皆顯著大於非青剛櫟結果季。於青剛櫟結果季,黑熊會增加夜間活動的頻度,年間的豐富度變動亦與該年青剛櫟的結果量一致,如2008年結果季所記錄的黑熊痕跡相對量顯著大於2006 年和2007 年。另熊毛陷阱紀錄台灣黑熊的相對豐富度亦呈現季節和年間相同的趨勢。水鹿(Rusa unicolor)和台灣野豬(Sus scrofa)的豐富度亦呈現類似的季節性變動。
分析2008 年於大分收集的155 台灣黑熊排遺樣本,檢定出69 個基因型,等位基因(allele)數目為4-13 個(7.9±2.56),平均觀測異質度(HO)為0.808,推測此族群可能沒有近親交配的現象。
Dafen of the Yushan National Park (YNP) is a critical habitat for locally endangered Formosan black bears (Ursus thibetanus formosanus). The phenology and acorn production of the dominant ring-cupped oaks (Cyclobalanopsis glauca) potentially influence temporal and spatial movement and relative abundance of bears. The objective was to explore the fruiting phenology, dynamics and acorn production of ring-cupped oak, and the relationship between acorns and the relative abundance of black bears and other large mammals in Dafen oak forest. The study was further designed to examine the characteristics of population genetics of black bears in YNP. We observed 45 ring-cupped oak trees with seed traps monthly for one year since June 2007. The acorn gradually ripened in late October until February, but most of the acorn fell off in November and December. The acorn production estimated by two visual survey methods indicated significant difference among years. The acorn production was greatest in 2008, followed by 2007, and was lowest in 2009 and 2006. Seed traps revealed the same pattern for the earlier three years. There were positive correlation relationships among the three methods of estimating acorn production. The average amount of intact acorns, damaged acorns and total acorns collected by seed traps (85 cm* 85 cm, n=195) was highest in November and December, followed by October and January. The fallen acorns during the acorn season in 2006, 2007 and 2008 were 33, 36 and 61 acorns/m2, respectively. The damaged acorns were 35-47% of the total acorns collected in seed traps, and its proportion decreased with the total amount of acorns. The acorn removal rate on ground was 7-8 acorns/m2 in November and December, followed by 2-3 acorns/m2 in October and January, and 0.2 acorns/m2 in February. Most (83%-95%) of the monthly fallen acorns were consumed, indicating the very high pressure of acorn predation by wildlife in Dafen. The sign surveys and camera traps both showed that the relative abundance of Formosan black bears in acorn seasons was extensively greater than that in non-acorn seasons for all studied years. In the acorn season, bears increased their nocturnal activity, and their relative abundance coincided with the acorn production among years. The average amount of bear signs in 2008 was significantly higher than in 2007 and 2006. The record of hair traps showed the same pattern. The result of hair traps indicated the same seasonal and yearly changes in the relative abundance of bears. Besides, the relative abundance of sambar deer (Rusa unicolor) and wild boars (Sus scrofa) in the oak forest also revealed the similar seasonal patterns. In 2008, we analyzed 155 bear scats collected in Dafen, and detected 69 genotypes. The number of allele ranged 4-13 (7.9±2.56), with an average observed heterozygosity of 0.808. This suggested that inbreeding was likely not detected in the population. Overall, our result showed that the acorn in Dafen did not only provide seasonal food sources for black bears and many other animals, but also played a vital role for monitoring the population and genetic structure of bears in YNP. Moreover, we further suggested the necessaries of enlarging the sampling area and incorporating other effective techniques to further understand the population and genetic structure of Formosan black bears.
  • 計畫編號: 98-02-01
  • 辦理方式: 委託研究
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 980227~981231
  • 執行機關: 國立屏東科技大學
  • 年度: 98
  • 計畫經費: 新台幣150萬元
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 黃美秀
  • 中文關鍵字: 台灣黑熊、青剛櫟、櫟實產量、相對豐富度、遺傳、族群監測
  • 英文關鍵字:Ursus thibetanus formosanus, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, acorn production, relative abundance, genetic, population monitoring