





The Study on the Asian Black Bear and the Artiodactyla Community at the Eastern Area of Yushan National Park
一、 研究緣起
二、 研究方法及過程
三、 重要發現
本年度受颱風等天候影響,僅完成四次野外調查,於南安登山口至大分山區各段調查樣線上,共紀錄11 種野生動物的各類活動跡象2756 筆,影像紀錄819筆。各類活動跡象中以排遺紀錄最多,對各類動物皆然,而獼猴與山羌可藉由叫聲察覺。
研究區內四種偶蹄目動物與獼猴主要出沒的區段有別。不同植被區段動物的出現率有別,以闊葉林區段所見動物的出現率較高。冬末春初四種偶蹄目動物在步道附近活動的頻度較高,而獼猴數量的變化不大。1 月及4 月瓦拉米段山羌痕跡紀錄遠低於其他3 區段,可能受遊客與步棧道施工的影響。
利用自動相機在761.1 個工作日中共取得84 捲有效底片,四種偶蹄目動物與台灣獼猴在四區段被紀錄到的相對頻度有別。山羌與獼猴的出現率在四區段皆高,但在大分山區皆低於水鹿的出現率。
本年度共紀錄到台灣黑熊的活動跡象22 筆,其中排遺紀錄佔13 筆,9 筆資料為爬樹覓食後所留下的折枝或爪痕紀錄,自動相機樣站有4 筆紀錄。過去於研究區發現過瘦的水鹿的現象,經重新檢視相片中的影像發現,僅有少數個體有明顯過瘦的情形。另曾在抱崖與大分山區紀錄到染有皮膚病的長鬃山羊3 隻次。
本年度調查期間於研究區內進行的相關工程,計有大分山屋附近的水源設置的工程、大分段棧橋的整修與砍草的工程、與大分N 段的吊橋工程。這些工程在六月與十一月兩次調查間進行。比較各區段或路段四次調查的資料,多種動物在十一月調查中被紀錄到的資料數較少,然許多減少的狀況在六月已可見到,或是不僅見於大分N 段,故而不一定與工程進行帶來的干擾與衝擊直接有關。
The eastern part of the Yushan National Park abounds in wildlife, including Formosan black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and all the four Artiodactyla species (Muntiacus reevesi, Cervus unicolor, Naemorhedus swinhoei, Sus scrofa) native to Taiwan. The Formosan black bear is the symbolic species of the park as well as an endangered species in Taiwan. Its population status deserves special attention. The herbivores may serve as food base for top predators of the ecosystem. However, facing a decrease in predation pressure or fluctuation in food resources, they may compete with each other or exert grazing or browsing pressure on vegetation. This study is an extension of the previous monitoring program started since 2003. The distribution and relative abundance of the four Artiodactyla species and Taiwan macaque (Macaca cyclopis) were surveyed by sign count and infrared-triggered camera in the area from Nan’an to T’a-fen. All the signs and tracks of black bear detected during the survey was noted. The data collected since 2003 were combined to examine the temporal trends in the status of the target species. Muntjacs and Taiwan macaques were wide spread in the study area, but were less recorded in the inner-most section of the survey route where samber deers were abound. When compared with the records of previous, the frequencies of the recorded signs and tracks of wild boars and Taiwan macaques were increasing this year. The rates of occurrence of the focal species by automatic cameras were lower in this year than ever. Feces and other signs of black bears were recorded 22 times and photos were taken four times. All the records were found in the inner-most two sections of the survey route. Photos taken during the three years were re-examined for the body condition of wildlife. Few individuals were found to be weak and slim, and none were re-sighted among the photos.
  • 性質: 動物
  • 辦理方式: 委託研究
  • 執行機關: 國立東華大學
  • 年度: 94
  • 計畫經費: 540(仟元)
  • 領域: 所有領域
  • 主持人: 吳海音
  • 中文關鍵字: 偶蹄目,台灣黑熊,監測
  • 英文關鍵字:Artiodactyla,Formosan black bear,monitoring