





Ecology of Asiatic Black Bears (Ursus thibetanus formosanus) and Bear-People Interactions in Yushan National Park Ⅰ.
本研究以捕捉標放及無線電追蹤的方式,研究玉山國家公園的黑熊,以了解其活動模式、個體空間分佈的關係、季節性遷移。於1998年10月至12月及1999年5月底至6月初,在玉山國家公園捕捉到6隻台灣黑熊(1雌5雄),1998年10月至1999年4月,無線電追蹤6隻台灣黑熊的結果顯示,除了一雄性亞成體於捕獲標放5日之後,隨即離開大分地區之外,其他5隻於標放後至次年1月初,皆密集活動於大分地區10平方公里以內的範圍,與該地優勢植物青剛櫟 (Cyclobalanopsis glauca) 之植物物候學與其堅果豐富度有密切的關係。無線電追蹤的結果亦確定部份個體冬季不冬眠。
收集的269堆黑熊排遺,有98%是於10月至次年1月在大分地區收集的。排遺分析的結果顯示,黑熊是以植物性食物為主的雜食性動物。植物的果實的出現頻度以青剛櫟堅果最高(96.2%),依次為山枇杷(Eriobotrya deflexa)(2.6%)﹑台灣山蘋果 (Malus formosana) (0.4%)﹑糙葉樹 (Aphananteh aspera)(0.4%)。排遺內動物性的內含物,以山羌的記錄次數最高(n=10),其次為山羊 (n=2)、山豬和鞘翅目昆蟲。
From October 1998 to April 1999, 6 (1 female and 5 males) bears (Ursus thibetanus formosanus) were captured in Yushan National Park. Except one subadult, all bears continued to stay and concentrate in the acorn forest with overlapping home ranges at Daphan until early January in 1999. The activity of bear was closely related to the phenological development of acorn (Cyclobalanopsis glauca). Data from radio-tracked bears showed that they did not hibernate in winter. From 2,320 radio telemetry activity readings at 30-min intervals, we found bears could be active both in the day and night time with the lowest and highest activity level at 4:00 hr (0.43) and at 6:00 hr (0.72) respectively. The mean daily activity level was 0.59 (n = 40 complete 24-hour cycles) , with the highest peak (0.66) in November and December and the lowest (0.41) in March. Scat analysis (n = 269 scats, 98% from Daphan) showed that bears were omnivorous and acorn was the most frequently consumed item (95.5% of occurrence frequency), followed by mammals (5.6%), other fruits, insects, and other plant materials. We also found 13 tree species with bear marks. Five types of food were documented from interviewing indigenous people, including 27 species of plants, 5 categories of animal materials, crops, artificial food, and others.
  • 性質: 動物
  • 辦理方式: 委託研究
  • 執行機關: 師範大學
  • 年度: 87
  • 計畫經費: 600(仟元)
  • 領域: 所有領域
  • 主持人: 王穎