





The Study of Population Ecology and the Development of Conservation Plan for Formosan Black Bears in Yushan National Park(3/4)
有鑑於保育瀕危物種的迫切性以及長期生態研究對於野生動物經營管理之必要性,本計畫旨在持續監測玉山國家公園園區台灣黑熊重要棲息環境大分之大型哺乳動物相對豐富度和堅果產量之時空變化,以瞭解台灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)及殼斗科森林生態系之複雜交互作用。第三年的研究目標為瞭解大分地區青剛櫟森林之植物社會結構及組成,以及評估森林演替情形。樣區調查共記錄植物56科117種,植群可分為3型:短尾葉石櫟—賽山椒型、西施花—狹葉櫟型、細葉饅頭果—青剛櫟型。細葉饅頭果—青剛櫟型為樣區的優勢林型,又可細分為台灣肉桂—青剛櫟亞型及金毛杜鵑—台灣二葉松二亞型。典型對應分析法顯示植群的分化主要受到海拔、直射光空域、坡度及地形位置的影響。青剛櫟(Quercus glauca)的萌蘗率高達60.8%,平均萌蘗枝數為5 ±3.8株(n = 449)。族群結構分析顯示本區的植群似乎仍屬演替中階段。
Based on the importance of conserving endangered species and of long-term ecological research, the overall objective of the extensive study was designed to continuously monitor the relative abundance of large mammals and acorn production. The main purpose was to understand the complicated interaction between Formosan black bears (Ursus thibetanus formosanus) and the oak forest ecosystem in Yushan National Park. We also studied the vegetation ecology of the oak-dominant forest of Daphan. The differentiation of vegetation was influenced by altitude, direct light sky space, slope, and topography. Two-way indicator species analysis was used for classification of vegetation types, and revealed 3 types: Lithocarpus harlandii-Embelia lenticellata, Rhododendron latoucheae-Quercus stenophylloides, and Glochidion rubrum-Quercus glauca. The third type was dominant, composing 29 of the 31 sampling stands. The important value index of the important bear food, Quercus glauca, was 27.5%, much larger than any other tree species (all< 20%). While there was enormously high level of seed predation pressure on acorns of Q. glauca in our study area, the high rate (60.8%) of sprouting suggested sprouting could play a potential role in the forest succession process.
  • 性質: 動物
  • 辦理方式: 委託研究
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 97年2月至97年12月
  • 執行機關: 中華民國國家公園學會
  • 年度: 97
  • 計畫經費: 700(仟元)
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 黃美秀
  • 中文關鍵字: 台灣黑熊、堅果產量、植群生態、青剛櫟、物候、相對豐富度、毛髮陷阱
  • 英文關鍵字:Ursus thibetanus formosanus, acorn production, vegetation ecology, Quercus glauca, phenology, relative abundance, hair trap