





Inventory of Ecological and Humanistic Resources and Planning at the areas of Yu-Suei of Southern Cross-Island Highway
過往對西南園區之生態與人文資源的調查資料不管是莫拉克風災之前或之後都相當少,侷限在南橫沿線的調查記錄,且多為植物類群的調查,而風災之後的生態資源現況,甚至玉穗社等人文史蹟在風災之後的狀況,都沒有任何調查資料。本計畫統整現場勘查與文獻,針對生態暨人文資源的現況進行初步的探討,並對未來預定調查的地區、路線與調查內容方法以及所需之經費完成規劃評估。兩次玉穗社古道與埡口林道勘查,現場調查資料總共記錄15種哺乳類及23種鳥類,共15種保育類,包含瀕臨絕種保育類台灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)1種,此區中大型哺乳動物以玉穗山區較為豐富,埡口林道則因為崩塌少人為干擾,中大型哺乳動物在林道上可發現不少活動蹤跡。一次拉庫音溪夜間燈光誘引調查到29種昆蟲,此區溪流受莫拉克風災影響,河岸沖刷與堆積作用明顯,河床墊高,水質砂質成分偏多,底棲生物群落應處於重拓殖(recolonization)初期,且易再遭受大水的影響。根據國家植群調查分析此區植群比例,發現闊葉林、針闊葉混合林及針葉林各佔16.4%、30.5%及30.3%,人工植生佔12.6%,岩壁、碎石坡、崩塌地及河床則為8.4%,加上莫拉克風災之後新增的崩塌地,總計人工植生與裸露地所佔面積比例應接近1/4。玉穗社舊址以及附近零散的家屋,現僅剩周遭矮石牆,急需儘速進行保存調查。針對此區規劃出5條不同路線,其中雲峰線每次調查需14~15天,不建議利用。其他需橫渡溪流路線,以12月到隔年4月為適宜調查季節。本案規劃哺乳動物與鳥類可合併進行調查,植物則各路線進行一次調查即可。因路線需要專業溯溪嚮導、背工及協作,加上地處偏遠,所需天數長,各類群進行調查所需一年經費為95~160萬。除了各類群資源調查之外,管理處可規劃進行南橫封路動物生態復育狀況與重新開放、荖濃溪流域於莫拉克風災後溪流動物生態之復原狀況、玉穗山區與埡口林道人工植生與崩塌地之動物利用評估、莫拉克風災後指標生物之建立與監測等子題進行深入研究。
The southwest part of Yushan Nationa Park experienced landslides brought by typhoons and the typhoon Morakot at 2009 caused severe damages to this area. There were very few ecological researches in this area, mostly along the South Cross-Island Highway and about botany. In addition, the Tamaho village remnant lies here and its current condition is unknown. This project is to preliminarily investigate the ecological resources and the Tamaho remnant and to provide investigation plans for mammals, birds, plants, aquatic species, and the Tamaho remnant. Based on our 2 field surveys and literatures, the ecological and humanistic resources were summarized. We proposed 5 survey routes but the Mt. Yun route is too remote and time consuming. Analysis of vegetation covers reveals near 1/4 of plantation forest and barren land. Investigations for each category of resources needs $900000-$1600000NT due to the remoteness and danger of rush river. The best time for field surveys is from December to April. In addition to the resources survey, we also suggested other more detailed and in depth researches for this area. Priority is recommended for researches of the Tamaho remnant, riverine ecosystem restoration, animal use and the succession of the plantation forests, establishment of indicator species for ecological monitoring, and immediate surveys of some endangered species.
  • 辦理方式: 委託辦理
  • 主管機關: 內政部營建署
  • 計畫期間: 1000728-1001231
  • 執行機關: 東海大學
  • 年度: 100
  • 計畫經費: 596000
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 林良恭
  • 中文關鍵字: 玉穗社、調查規劃、生物資源規劃
  • 英文關鍵字:Tamaho remnant, ecological resources, investigation planning