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調查人員和二名山胞嚮導每月就一個定點進行調查,於每個定點上視地形狀況決定1~3 條穿越線,沿途廣泛查尋哺乳動物,包括目擊、聞其叫聲或檢視其所遺留的野外跡象。實地的野外調查中,共記錄到24種哺乳動物,這些動物分別屬於食蟲目、齧齒目、食肉目、偶蹄目以及靈長目等五目,其中以齧齒目動物種類最多,共七種。根據訪問山地居民、獵戶和山區中的工作者所得資料,目前在東埔村附近仍有野兔出沒,神木村附近山區則有人見到穿山甲蹤跡。另外,過去30年間出現在研究範圍內的哺乳動物尚包括石虎、麝香貓和食蟹朦,但近幾年均沒有再發現這三種動物的蹤跡或消息。
This is a field study centered on hiking trails and forest roads in Dongpu, Yushan National Park. To ensure the accuracy of the survey, 11 fixed locations were selected along the Batongguan Historical Trail, the Shalishan River, Shenmu Forest, and the southern trail in Lelegu where a detailed search was made of the mountain forests and plains. Researchers and two mountain tribe guides conducted survey on different fixed locations each month. At each fixed location, 1-3 transects were decided on depending on geographical conditions, and mammals were searched for along each transect. Data recorded included sightings, calls, and examinations of traces left in the wild. 24 mammals were recorded in the actual field study. These animals can be divided into the following categories: insectivore, rodentia, carnivora, artiodactyla, and primates. Rodentias were the most commonly recorded, with a total of 7 species. According to interviews with mountain tribe members, hunters, and mountain workers, there is still a presence of wild rabbits near Dongpu village, and traces of pangolins were also found in the mountain areas near the Shenmu village. Mammals present in the study area over the past 30 years included the Leopard Cat (Felis bengalensis chinensis), the small Chinese civet (Viverricula indica taivana), and the crab-eating mongoose (Herpestes urva), but in the past few years there have been no traces of sighting of these animals.
  • 性質: 動物
  • 辦理方式: 委託辦理
  • 執行機關: 東海大學
  • 年度: 76
  • 計畫經費: 800(仟元)
  • 領域: 所有領域
  • 主持人: 歐保羅