





臺灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)是臺灣唯一原生熊類動物,兼具重要之生態角色及保育功能。由於受棲息地破壞及各項人為干擾活動等影響,族群目前多侷限於人類活動較少的山區,玉山國家公園為目前國內唯一已知臺灣黑熊高密度族群的代表。瀕危熊類的保育工作除了仰賴長期持續的研究調查之外,還須妥善落實經營管理策略,以及獲得大眾對保育的支持基礎。本計劃內容包含(1)臺灣黑熊捕捉繫放及人造衛星追蹤、活動範圍與棲息地利用分析;(2)公民科學家培訓與協力參與園區中大型哺乳動物族群監測;(3)有熊出沒資料庫及通報系統;(4)臺灣黑熊保育教育宣導;(5)臺灣黑熊經營管理培力。
本計畫藉由捕捉繫放和人造衛星追蹤技術,分析玉山國家公園6隻雄性臺灣黑熊活動範圍與棲地利用模式,同時進行相關形質測量、健康檢查與遺傳分析。以最小凸多邊形法(minimum convex polygon, MCP)計算追蹤的個體活動範圍,面積為21.5 (YNP-BB06)至114.2(YNP-BB04)平方公里不等。以50%核密度估計法計算其核心活動範圍,面積為0.03 (YNP-BB06)至10.6(YNP-BB02)平方公里。以 95%核密度估計法計算其活動範圍,面積為6.6 (YNP-BB06)至30.6(YNP-BB02)平方公里。於棲息地選擇上,活動於瓦拉米步道樣區(東部園區)臺灣黑熊多利用中低海拔的區域,顯著低於楠溪林道樣區(西部園區)的黑熊利用海拔。東部園區追蹤黑熊個體之植被利用類型以闊葉林比例最高(82.9%),其次為人工次生林(9.9%)。西部園區黑熊植被利用類型針葉林(31.4%)和闊葉林(31.0%)比例相當,第三為針闊葉混淆林(17.1%)。
本計畫於2019年培訓34位民眾成為公民科學家志工,參與本計畫中野生動物相對豐富度自動相機監測,2019年10月至2021年11月,共計有152人次(261人天)參與田野調查工作。總共回收自動相機照片288,519張,從中進一步篩選出有效照片紀錄18,460筆,並辨識其物種。公民科學家亦參與相片物種辨識工作,辨識成功率之平均數與中位數隨著辨識次數增加而有提高的趨勢,最後一次辨識作業,正確率之中位數已高達94%,可見透過完整培訓的志工,辨識物種已有一定的水準。自動照相機監測樣區為八通關越道線東段鹿鳴步道至抱崖山屋沿線,為期兩年的監測共記錄到79筆臺灣黑熊出沒有效照片紀錄,兩年OI值分別為0.2和0.4相對豐富度最高的區域。物種中出現頻度最高前三者為臺灣山羌(Muntiacus reevesi micrurus)、臺灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)以及臺灣水鹿(Rusa unicolor swinhoei)。
Formosan black bear(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)is the only endemic bear species in Taiwan. Threnten by habitat destruction and various disturbance of human activity, most of the bear population were confined in remote mountain area far from development. Yushan National Park(YNP) is the only known Formosan black bear high population density benchmark in Taiwan. Besides of continuous long-term research and investigation, successful bear conservation also relied on properly management strategies of authority and public support. The content of this project includes (1) Formosan black bear capture and satellite tracking study include activity range and habitat utilization analysis; (2) Establish citizen science camera traps monitoring program of Formosan nlack near and sympatric nedium-sized and large ammals; (3) Build up bear reporting database; (4) Promotion and education of bear conservation; (5) Enhacement of bear management capacity.
Six male Formosan black bears were captured and released with satellite tracking colar. Morphological measuremint, health examination and genetic analysis were performed meanwhile. The observed home range area measured by minimum convex polygon (100% MCP) ranged form 21.5km2 to 114.2km2. 50% Kernel density estimation (KDE) area ranged from 0.03km2 to 10.6km2 and 95% KDE area ranged from 6.6km2 to 30.6km2 . In habitat selection analysis, bears captured at Warami trail (Eastern park) mainly roamed at intermediate and low altitude areas, which is significantly lower than bears captured at Nanxi forest road (Western park). In Warami Trail bears utilized board-leaf forest (82.9%) mainly. In the other side bears of Nanxi ultilized coniferous forest (31.4%) and board-leaf forest (31.0%) both, followed by mixed forest (17.1%).
During Oct 2019 to Oct 2021, 34 volunteer took part in 10 field study missions, overall attendance were 152 people and effort were 261 person-days. 288,519 photos were collected and further filtered into 18,460 independent photos and species of each independent photo were identified. Gradual improvement of correct identification of species by volunteers were noted during the study and the maximum of correct rate was 94.5%. Apparently there is a potential for citizen science camera trap monitoring project. Study area of the camera trap program focused at eastern area of YNP and trap sites distributed along provincial road No. 30 and portion of eastern part of Batongguan traversing trail. 79 independent photos of black bear were recorded include four mother bear with cubs during the study. The occurrence index of black bear of the first and second year of study were 0.2 and 0.4, respectively. Formosan Reeve's muntjac(Muntiacus reevesi micrurus), Formosan macaque(Macaca cyclopis) and Formosan sambar deer(Rusa unicolor swinhoei) were the first three common recorded species.
During 2017-2021 there were 70 black bear cases recorded include sighting(n=23), finding of bear signs(n=21), camera trap records from other projects(n=11) and rescue(n=5) or mortality(n=3) cases. 38 records of sighting and sign were provided by civilian included 29 came from Black Bear Reporting Plateform of Taiwan Black Bear Conservation Association. We suggest that authority encourage public to report sighting of bears continuousely which would further benefit bear management and conservation.
In regard to promotion of conservation education to different stackholders, we held 5 public speeches about bear ecology and conservation including 4 on-lined, 3 speeches focusing on bear behavior and coexistence in community near bear habitat, 4 trainging lectures for staffs of related authority and 2 outdoor tour guide.
For enhancing capacity of management and conservation of Yushan National Park, we held a workshop of "Formosan Black Bear Conservation Education and Management" in 2019. Relevant authorities, experts, scholars, and senior volunteers of YNP together took stock of the pros and cons of management performance of the past few years in Yushan National Park based on the Taiwan Black Bear Conservation Action Plan (2012). Goals and action strategies of bear conservation were set up in follow-up core working group meeting in Yushan National Park. Part of the content will be included in the fourth overall review plan of Yushan National Park as an important management policy.
  • 性質: 委託研究計畫
  • 計畫編號: 1335
  • 辦理方式: 委託研究
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 108年4月至110年12月
  • 執行機關: 國立屏東科技大學
  • 年度: 110
  • 計畫經費: 603萬元
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 黃美秀
  • 中文關鍵字: 臺灣黑熊、人造衛星定位追蹤、公民科學家、自動照相機、族群監測、瀕危物種保育
  • 英文關鍵字: Formosan black bear, satellite tracking, citizen science, camera trap, population monitoring