





本研究總共調查了328個圓形小樣區,結果總計有2930筆蕨類物種紀錄,海拔分布自919公尺至3225公尺,總計21科231種蕨類,佔玉山園區蕨類植物比例約53%,超過一半以上。計算物種豐富度與Shannon多樣性指數,並建立總物種名錄與各區域名錄。將海拔以100m為一單位設海拔帶(如 0–99 m為海拔帶 0、100–199 m 為海拔帶 1、、、),本研究共23個海拔帶;海拔帶15~26之間為Shannon多樣性指數與物種豐富度最高的區域,此範圍內除海拔帶16之外,指數皆高於3.6以上,最高落在23以及25皆超過4。另依道路性質將樣區分成8個區域:南橫公路1、南橫公路2、埡口林道、塔關山、關山嶺山、庫哈諾辛山、馬馬宇頓山與中之關步道;比較shannon指數,得知多樣性指數最高的區域為南橫公路以及中之關步道。
This project aims to investigate the richness and distribution of fern species (including Monilophyta and Lycophyta) in the south region of Yushan National Park. In total,we set up 328 circular plots with a diameter of 5 meters from 919m to 3223m altitude in this region. Then along altitudinal gradient we take 100m as 1 elevational belt with all investigation plots, totally 23 elevational blets. In conclusion, there were toatlly 21 genera,231species recoreded in this study during January to November in 2021. Which is 53% of the known fern species of Yushan National Park. Due to conduct the present study, elevational belt 15 to 26 presens are the most species-rich ranges. Shannon index had been applied in this study to evaluate the diversity of ferns. The results are similar to fern species-rich aititudinal zone in Taiwan.
This project comes to the immediate and long-term strategies as follows
For immediate strategies:
1.Comparing with the other National Parks, based on fern species richness, Yushan Nation Park represents the most-rich area in Taiwan. The investigation of ferns(Monilophyta and Lycophyta) species-richness data shows a high diversity and aboundance in south region of Yushan Nation Park. This region is suitable to develop lessons or courses with fern for students and public.
2.It is timely to plan manual, pamphlet, handbook or E-book for providing visitors with information and knowledge of fern ecology.Guideline of these fantasy plants even they are without obvious flowers, but the fern species are sensitive and vulnerable plants. It might be a better and unique indicator for monitoring environment.
For long-term strategies:
Fern is one of the best indicator to monitor environment change. This study aims to investigate fern species in southern cross island highway in south region of Yushan National Park firstly. According to the precipitation records in the past dacades, there is a rainfall-peak cycle between 3-4 years. it is suggested to re-investigate the region in the other years to elucidate the fern species composition variation between the elevation and rainfall or other environmental factors.
  • 性質: 自行研究計畫
  • 計畫編號: 1338
  • 辦理方式: 自行研究
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 110年1月至110年12月
  • 執行機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 年度: 110
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 蔡文玲
  • 中文關鍵字: 蕨類植物、石松類植物、南橫公路、玉山南部園區
  • 英文關鍵字:Monilophytes,Pteridophyte,lycophyte,fern, southern-cross island highway