Ecological Survey of aquatic biological resources of freshwater fishes and crustaceans in all river basins of the Yushan National Park during 2022-2023
This project involves various basic hydrological and water quality investigations, as well as surveys on fish and crustaceans in the drainages and lakes (such as Tianchi) of the Yushan National Park. In the hydrological and water quality investigations, key habitats within the watersheds in the Yushan National Park are examined and monitored for basic hydrological parameters.
This current project made significant scientific discoveries in the diversity of fish and crustacean species in the aquatic ecosystems of the Yushan National Park. A new endemic fish species, Yushan hillstream loach (Hemimyzon yushanensis), was discovered in the Kaoping River basin, representing a distinctive species in the Yushan National Park. In the study of freshwater crustaceans, a new species of crab, temporarily named Meishan river crab (Geothelphusa sp.), was discovered in the Meishan Tianchi area and is expected to be formally published next year. Additionally, the research team in the Hualien and Taitung regions made groundbreaking discoveries, including a new species of freshwater crab, Penglai river crab (Candidiopotamon penglai).
Future recommendations include continuous efforts in aquatic ecology surveys, water quality monitoring, and vigilance toward environmental changes in water bodies. It is suggested to publish an ecological guidebook for fish and crustaceans in Yushan National Park, providing comprehensive information on their distribution and ecological characteristics. The guidebook shall include supplemental surveys for unexplored water locations. Additionally, it is recommended to document important species in adjacent areas outside the park, considering climate change impacts, and incorporate them into ecological literature.