





Ecological monitoring and natural restoration assessment of post-fire ar Yushan National Park Dujyuan camp
110 年5 月16 日上午接獲通報因山友登山用火不慎導致玉山國家公園八通關古道杜鵑營地附近造成森林火燒,歷經 12 天,至 110 年 5 月 27 日熄滅,經行政院農業委員會林務局嘉義林區管理處判釋被害面積約 22.0877 公頃以上,延燒面積約 79.7 公頃。為了解本次森林火燒影響的程度,本計畫針對火燒跡地及周邊植群評估火燒的嚴重度,彙整相關園區內森林火燒與監測之報告,並依照評估結果來建立長期監測的樣區,以盤點受到本次火燒影響的生物類群與棲地,最後提出整體生態系服務功能減損的效益,以及依據火燒風險評估來提出該區域中長期的高山火燒森林生態系統經營管理之策略及火燒跡地長期監測的模式。
本研究將杜鵑營地受火燒影響區域劃分為核心區、推移帶、未受干擾區,並分別建立監測樣區,進行地被植物調查、木本植物健康度調查、自動相機動物監測、鳥音錄音監測、土壤性質分析、土壤 eDNA 動物分析。並彙整玉山國家公園範圍內之歷史火燒事件與相關研究進行對照討論。另使用衛星影像之標準化植生指標與標準化降水蒸發散量指標討論長時間之植生變化以及水分環境收支變化與火燒之關聯。最後統整相關研究成果擬定火燒影響區域未來復育與監測策略與經營管理方面之建議。
(一) 彙整玉山國家公園園區內的相關火燒及監測等報告文獻
(二) 評估本次森林火燒嚴重度
NDVI數值在火燒前多屬於森林植生覆蓋之狀態,而火燒後三個月內可明顯透過NDVI 數值判斷受火燒影響區域。透過不同年度之 NDVI 差值計算,發現有部分區域原為植生覆蓋良好區域,在火燒發生後,轉變為稀疏灌木或草地接近無植生覆蓋之數值等級,並且多數區域 2022 年數值更較 2021 年火燒發生後低,因此推測整體植生受到氣候環境影響,尚未完全恢復。本研究利用廣義線性模型,建構各項火燒嚴重程度變項對冠層樣株死亡與否(死亡為 1 存活為 0)之預測。第一季的預測模型模型保留胸徑、樹圍焦黑比例、樹幹被燒比例以及樹冠被燒比例等變項。結果顯示模型可以很好的預測樣木死亡與否,準確率達92.67%。模型中胸徑、樹幹被燒比例以及樹冠被燒比例為顯著變項。
(三) 依照火燒嚴重度評估來建立長期監測樣區,並分析其空間與時序變化
本次火燒主要集中於南向坡,並從起火點處以地表火的形式蔓延,同時在起火點上坡處、部分地形陡峭或接近稜線處形成較嚴重危害。在火燒危害最嚴重的核心區,林木多接近全株焦黑狀態,僅極少數較高的臺灣二葉松得以倖免。冠層優勢樹種臺灣二葉松的冠層被燒比例平均為 83.5%,而次冠層的紅毛杜鵑、高山櫟、玉山杜鵑等樹冠燃燒比例則多數達 100%,次冠層植物與地被植物幾乎被燃燒殆盡。推移帶主要受到地表火影響。樹冠多未直接受火燒侵害,在 2 月首次調查時多數臺灣二葉松多有綠葉。雖然沒有明顯樹冠火的現象,但是仍有部分冠層的枝葉受火燒高熱而死亡,。同時,區域內明顯受地表火焚燒,地被幾乎無草本植物存活,次冠層灌木或小喬木也幾乎全數死亡。
健康度調查始於 2022 年 2 月底,並在當年 5 月及 9 月底進行第二、三次的調查。在三次調查中,發現核心區與推移帶的樣木死亡率有逐步增加的趨勢。顯見火燒後,火燒的遲滯效應仍使區域內樣木逐步死亡。然而,依據冠層健康度指數之情況,存活之樣株有逐漸復原之情況。此外,推移帶各樣區部分的臺灣二葉松植株根部有大量蕈菇類生長,而未受干擾區則沒發現菇類的生長。該類真菌是否是一般共生菌或是具有危害的根腐菌,仍需持續對樣木進行後續的觀察監測。
首次調查中,核心區幾乎無任何地被覆蓋,覆蓋度最高僅 5%。而推移帶樣區的覆蓋度平均為 3–15%。三次調查總物種數與覆蓋度有隨著時間有逐漸增加的趨勢。推移帶覆蓋度增加最多,核心區次之,未受干擾區變化最小,主要擴張的物種為玉山箭竹。在 9 月份複查時,於核心區與推移帶小苗數量較前次調查大幅增加,推移帶增加數量最多,平均每樣區可發現 1250.8 株,其中大多數小苗為臺灣二葉松,也有發現一定數量的冷杉與臺灣鐵杉小苗。火燒區域的自然更新之小苗數量充足,但有發現動物啃食小苗狀況。建議未來以自然更新復育的方式,並定期監測火燒區域之植被生長狀況。
根據分析結果僅有 EC 值、pH 值及有效磷 M3 具有顯著差異。在事後檢定可以得知核心區及未受干擾區之間的差異顯著,而推移帶則介於兩者之間。核心區及推移帶電導度顯著下降,可能因為缺乏地表植被覆蓋,導致土壤鹽分受降雨淋洗作用影響所致。土壤 pH 值以未受干擾區呈現強酸性,核心區 pH 值略高,屬於弱酸性,而推移帶則介於中間值。火燒溫度若夠高植物體燃燒殆盡形成灰分,灰分則會釋放大量可溶性陽離子於土壤之中,造成土壤 pH 值上升。而溫度一旦過高則會導致有效磷及氮揮發,因此在推移帶的有效磷略高於其餘兩組,核心區的有效磷可能因溫度過高而大量揮發。
紅外線自動相機共記錄 11 個月 13 天 5 小時,總時長 8,237 小時。監測期間(全期)共拍攝到 4,772 張照片,扣除 3,363 張無效照片後,有 1,409 張有效照片,其中包含 406隻個體。兩季共鑑定出 5 目 12 科 17 屬 16 種動物,包含哺乳類 4 目 9 科 12 屬 12 種,鳥類 1 目 3 科 5 屬 4 種。全期來看,以未受干擾區所記錄到的物種最多,共 15 種;火燒核心區次之,共記錄到 7 種,而推移帶所記錄到的物種數最少,共 4 種。臺灣水鹿兩季整體活動頻度在各環境樣區都較其他物種高。部分物種活動可能受到森林環境鬱閉度影響而有差異。
本計畫 eDNA 鑑定出的分類資訊不多,尚無法完整歸類出反映環境的生態功能群或功能特徵,但利用 MOTU 的組成與分析,仍發現火燒區域與周邊環境動物組成有所差異,結果仍極具參考價值。就鑑定出的分類群來說,火燒核心區發現有彈尾目、絨蟎目與中氣門蟎目動物,而前述兩類動物在過去文獻曾指出較常於森林演替初期出現,顯示本計畫中火燒核心區有自然回復的跡象。此外,本計畫僅於未受干擾區偵測到環節動物動物,而此類動物被認為是森林演替後期出現的物種;此一結果亦顯示特定動物分類群(或功能群)可反映環境的變動。另外,本計畫利用土壤 eDNA 偵測三種環境樣區的哺乳動物,可偵測到特性差異大的三類動物:蝙蝠、鼠類與偶蹄類。土壤 eDNA 分析技術對於需以多樣調查方法才能完整調查到的哺乳動物類群,提供了一個相對簡易且可通用的偵測方法。
三次調查總計調查到 21 科 42 屬 44 種。其中,特有種為 30 種,原生種為 14 種, 並未調查到外來種物種。在 44 種物種中,紅皮書上近危(Near thread, NT)以上等級物種共有8 種。不同區域調查到物種數與物種組成相似,且調查結果中有差異的物種如熊鷹、北方中杜鵑或東方毛腳燕等,可能僅是因為隨機因素而非棲地差異造成。
由本研究結果可看出八通關火燒區域部分植株目前正緩慢恢復,且在樣區中發現大量小苗更新,但同時也發現部分倖存立木健康度受影響,有真菌等入侵。因有大量小苗, 後續建議持續已本研究建立之調查樣區針對森林更新狀態進行長期監測,並持續觀察火燒對於倖存立木之影響。
Purpose of the Project
On the morning of May 16, 2021, it was reported that a forest fire was caused near the Dujyuan campground at the Batongguan historic trail in Yushan National Park due to the careless use of fire by mountain climbers, which lasted for 12 days and was extinguished on May 27, 2021. The damaged area is about 22.1 hectares, and the area of extended burn is about 79.7 hectares. The damaged area was about 22.1 hectares, and the extended burn was about 79.7 hectares.
In order to understand the hazard of this forest fire, this project assesses the severity of the fire and the impact of the fire on the overall ecosystem by focusing on the fire sites and the surrounding vegetation. In addition, this project offers management strategies and long-term monitoring models for forests in the fire sites.

Research Methods
In this study, the fire-affected area of the Dujyuan campground was separated into the fire core, ecotone, and undisturbed areas(control area). The monitoring plots were established to conduct ground cover plant surveys, woody plant health surveys, automatic camera animal monitoring, bird sound recording monitoring, soil property analysis, and soil eDNA animal analysis. The historical fire events within the Yushan National Park were also compiled and discussed compared to related studies. The standardized vegetation indicators(NDVI) and standardized precipitation evapotranspiration indicators(SPEI) from satellite images were also used to examine the correlation between long-term vegetation changes and changes in water balance and fires.

Result and discussion
After compiling the reports and databases on fires in the Yushan National Park, the spatial distribution of fires in the past has shown that most of the fires occurred in the vicinity of people's activities, and the main cause of fires was manufactured.
The NDVI values were used to determine the areas affected by the fire within three months after the fire. Comparing the NDVI values of different years, we found that some areas with good vegetation cover had changed to sparse shrubs or grasses near no vegetation cover after the fire. The fire was mainly concentrated on the south-facing slope and spread from the fire site in the form of surface fire, while more serious damage was formed on the uphill side of the fire site, some steep terrain, or near the ridge. In the core area, where the fire damage was most severe, most trees were nearly blackened, and only a few taller Pinus taiwanensis survived. The tree crown was burned for an average of 83.5% in the major crown layer, while it was mostly up to 100% in the secondary crown layer, and ground plants were almost burned out. In the ecotone, most of the canopies were not directly affected by fire, and most of the Pinus taiwanensis had green leaves at the first survey in February. Although there were no apparent signs of crown fire, some branches and leaves in the canopy were killed by the high heat of the fire. At the same time, almost no herbaceous plants survived in the ground cover, and nearly all shrubs and small trees in the sub-canopy were dead due to surface fires. During the monitoring, we also found that the ground cover plant was gradually increasing, and the main species that were expanding were the Yushania niitakayamensis. In addition, a large number of woody plant seedlings were found in the ground cover, with a density of 12.51 individuals/m2, most of which were Pinus taiwanensis, and a certain number of Abies kawakamii and Tsuga chinensis var. formosana seedlings were also found. The number of naturally restored seedlings in the fire-affected areas was sufficient.
Soil analysis showed that only EC, pH, and effective phosphorus M3 differed significantly between the three type areas. The significant decrease in electrical conductivity in the core area and the lapse zone may be due to the lack of surface vegetation cover, resulting in soil salinity being affected by rainfall washout. Soil pH was strongly acidic in the undisturbed zone, slightly more weakly acidic in the core zone, and intermediate in the ecotone.
The animal survey was recorded for 11 months, 13 days, and 5 hours, totaling 8,237 hours. A total of 4,772 photographs were taken during the monitoring period, and 1,409 valid pictures were taken, including 406 individuals. A total of 16 species in 17 families and five orders were identified, including 12 species in 12 genera, nine families and four orders of mammals, and four species in five genera, three families, and one order of birds. The undisturbed area recorded the most species; the ecotone recorded was the second. The overall activity frequency of Taiwan water deer in both seasons was higher than other species in all environmental sample areas.
The taxonomic information identified from the e-DNA sequences of this project is too limited to allow for the standard categorization of ecological functional groups or functional traits. However, it is still helpful for understanding the differences in the composition of animals in the fire area and the surrounding environment. Concerning the taxa identified, the presence of Collembola, Trombidiformes, and Mesostigmata in the core area suggests signs of natural recovery in the core area after the fire. This project used soil eDNA to detect mammals in three types of areas. Although the number of species was small, three species with widely varying characteristics were detected: bats, rats, and water deer. It shows that soil eDNA analysis provides a relatively simple and generalized method for detecting mammalian groups that require diverse survey methods to be thoroughly investigated.
In the bird survey, a total of 44 species from 42 genera and 21 families were recorded in three surveys. Among them, 30 species were endemic, 14 species were native, and no exotic species were investigated. Eight species were classified as Near Thread (NT) or higher in the Red list.

This study showed that some of the plants in the fire-affected area are slowly recovering, and a large number of seedlings were found to be regenerating in the sample area. Still, some of the surviving trees were also found to have health problems and fungal invasion. Because of the large number of seedlings, it is recommended to continue the long-term monitoring of the forest regeneration status in the monitoring plots and observe the effect of fire on the surviving trees. Fire is not a single factor but requires a dry environment, fuel, and a fire source. We suggested that the concept of recreation and fire education be strengthened and that fire areas be well planned to facilitate the management of fire areas for the public. We also advised regularly monitoring and inspecting the fuel accumulation in the vicinity of people's activities and removing it as appropriate.
  • 計畫編號: 1343
  • 辦理方式: 委託辦理
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 110年9月至111年12月
  • 執行機關: 國立臺灣大學
  • 年度: 111
  • 計畫經費: 新臺幣154萬元
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 邱祈榮