動物監測,建構基本資料庫。監測資料分析自2021年2月至2023年6月止,可辨識哺乳類共22種、鳥類34種、爬蟲類1種。若加上現地調查之物種共為73種。兩條路線皆拍攝到臺灣黑熊,數量從2021年的2隻增加至2023年第一季至少10隻,含至少5隻幼熊。另以深度訪談、焦點團體法了解各家族獵場需求及管理現況,以參與式行動研究建立在地組織為溝通平台,協助其與國家公園成為共管自然資源夥伴關係,藉參與在地協會之籌組與管理制度討論過程,與玉管處架構園區內未來狩獵申請與管理雛形。經拜會在地14位重要領袖、4場計畫說明會、4次協會籌組相關會議與將近60位在地居民進行交流與溝通後,研究團隊依《人民團體法》於2022年9月12日協助成立「南橫傳統領域自然資源暨文化自治協會」作為與玉管處的合作夥伴,宗旨為自然資源多元治理,主要為發展地方產業、文化傳承與自然資源管理,並召開7次理監事臨時會議,設立產業發展、教育推廣、資源管理等任務分組。培力部分已完成部落居民2場次、玉管處3場次之教育訓練、共管理論與實務課程。並於2023年 4月1日召開第一屆第二次會員大會完成狩獵自治自律公約通過決議及辦理「2023年布農族文化禮-情牽世代桃源三森里」文化活動。本期計畫預計規劃狩獵型態原分三種,其中除害型狩獵經現勘後,發現水鹿危害林木熱點主要發生在生態保育區,因超出國家公園預定開放申請範圍,後續未進一步規劃。園區外生活型狩獵則已完成狩獵自治自律公約,並由協會共識出保留荖濃溪事業區第110、111及110林班地作為保育區,而預計於2023年新版原住民狩獵野生
In order to understand the hunting status and needs of the indigens in the southern area of Yushan National Park, evaluate the feasibility of hunting management between local communities and Yushan National Park headquarters, and establish an adaptive co-management cooperation model. This study continues the previous plan in Taoyuan District, Kaohsiung City, and conducts wildlife monitoring in Meishan, Lavulan, and Fuxing communities, and establishes a basic database We collected and analyzed the monitoring data from February 2021 to June 2023. Through camera traps and field observations, a total of 73 species were identified, including 22 mammals, 34 birds and 1 reptile. Both routes have photographed Formosan black bears, and the number has increased from 2 in 2021 to at least 10 in the first quarter of 2023, including at least 5 cubs. In addition, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions are used to understand the needs and management status of hunting fields of various families, and local organizations are established as a communication platform through participatory action research to help them form partnerships with national parks for co-management of natural resources. After interviewing 14 important local leaders, 4 planning briefing sessions, 4 association meetings and nearly 60 local residents, we held the inaugural meeting on September 12, 2022 in accordance with the provisions of the Law on People's Organizations. The "Nanheng Traditional Field Natural Resources and Cultural Self-Government Association" was established as a window for cooperation with Yushan National Park. The goads of this local organization is mainly for local economic development, cultural inheritance and natural resource management, and the establishment of industrial development, education promotion, resource management and other groups approved by the cadre meeting. On April 1, 2023, the second membership meeting was held, and the hunting autonomy and self-discipline convention was passed. At the same time, the cultural event "Bunun Cultural -Love from generation to generation” was held. Three types of hunting are expected to be planned. The first type of hunting is forest damage control. Field investigation found that serious damage is mainly concentrated in ecological protection areas, and the plan has not been implemented because it exceeds the scope of open hunting areas. The second type of hunting is outside the national park area and the association has agreed to reserve the 110th, 111th and 110th forest compartments of the Laonong River working circle as conservation areas, and it is expected to apply for legal use according to law after the new version of the Aboriginal Hunting Management Measures is announced and implemented in 2023. The final category is ancestral hunting in national parks. At present, the specific hunting scope, hunting qualifications, hunting species and the number of tools has been proposed, which can be used as a reference for the planning of government implementation methods. In addition, in order to strengthen the partnership between the local association and the National Park Headquarter in the co-management of natural resources, we assist the association to carry out cultural activities and training courses with other institutions or organizations, and participate in the Formosan black bear PES plan.
Keywords: Yushan National Parks, indigenous peoples, Participatory Action Research (PAR), camera traps, wildlife management