





Formosan Black Bear Population Monitoring and Promotion of Conservation Strategy in Yushan National Park
臺灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)是臺灣唯一原生熊類動物,兼具重要之生態角色及保育功能。由於受棲息地破壞及各項人為干擾活動等影響,族群目前多侷限於人類活動較少的山區,玉山國家公園為目前國內已知臺灣黑熊高密度族群的代表以及重要研究樣區。瀕危熊類的保育和經營管理仰賴持續的研究調查收集,以了解物種的生態習性和族群時空分布,以及符合在地人文和科學的經營管理策略策略,並提升大眾對保育的支持。本計劃內容包含 (1)臺灣黑熊生態習性及棲息地分析;(2)公民科學家參與野生動物族群監測;(3)保育教育推廣及宣導相關活動;(4)舉辦臺灣黑熊救傷處理流程及人熊衝突風險管理工作坊;(5)製作玉山園區人熊關係宣導短片;(6)協助管理單位宣導品、新聞稿等稿件審查;(7)提供管理單位野生動物衝突及經營管理策略短、中、長期各項建議。
本計畫延續前期捕捉繫放臺灣黑熊(n=6)人造衛星追蹤,以最小凸多邊形法(100% MCP)估計活動範圍為33.2至204.6 km2,95%核密度法(95% KDE)估計44.6至179.2 km2,50%核密度法(50% KDE)估計9.1至38.8 km2。6隻個體中4隻有頻繁在園區外活動的紀錄(36.5-76.7%定位點)。棲息地分析結果顯示園區東部與西部追蹤個體的海拔利用呈現顯著差異,園區東部個體主要利用中低海拔區域(500-1,500m, 74.4%),顯著低於西部個體(2,000-2,500 m, 41.9%)。除了樣區本身環境差異,人為開發和干擾對臺灣黑熊所造成的壓力,可能也是影響因素。園區西部低海拔地區的人為開發和干擾相較於東部更加嚴重,恐因而限縮此區黑熊於中、高海拔活動。園區東部個體高度利用闊葉林(81.3%),西部園區個體主要利用針葉林(36.2%)與闊葉林(31.0%),與樣區植被分佈比例相近,無特殊選擇性,猜測與此區黑熊本身分布於較高海拔,加上闊葉林位在西部人為活動干擾高或棲地破碎化的較低海拔山區,不利黑熊移動和利用。3隻追蹤個體進行活動模式分析,平均日活動比例40.3%(range:27%-52%),3隻個體的活動均以白天為主,且呈現雙峰型活動模式,以清晨和黃昏為活動高峰。分析活動模式的季節差異,可見秋冬二季的活動比例較春夏二季高,最高的秋季平均活動比例55.5%,最低的春季平均活動比例40%。結果與世界其它熊類活動模式相近。
Formosan black bear is the only endemic bear species in Taiwan. Threnten by habitat destruction and various disturbance of human activity, most of the bear population were confined in remote mountain area far from development. Yushan National Park(YNP) is the only known Formosan black bear high population density benchmark in Taiwan. Besides of continuous long-term research and investigation, successful bear conservation relied on properly management strategies of authority and public support. The content of this project includes (1) Mearsurement of home range, activity and habitat utilization of Formosan black bear; (2) Wild mammal relative abundance surveillance with camera traps collaborated with with citizen science program. (3) Promotion and education of bear conservation; (4) Holding Formosan black bear rescure and human-bear conflict management workshop; (5) Produceing short educational video of bear safety; (6) Reviewing communication and press release about bears in YNP; (7) Providing short-term to long-term reccommendation of bear conservation and management.
Home ranges, habitat utilization and activity were mesured from 6 GPS-collared Formosan black bears captured in previous study project. The observed area of home ranges measured with minimum convex polygon (100% MCP) ranged from 33.2 km2 to 204.6 km2. Home ranges measured with 95% and 50% Kernel density estimation (KDE) ranged from 44.6 km2 to 179.2 km2 and 9.1 km2 to 38.8 km2, respectively. 4 of 6 bears frequently roam outside the park area (36.5-76.7% of positions). In habitat selection analysis, bears captured at Eastern park mainly utilized intermediate and low altitude areas (500-1500 m, 74.4%), which is significantly lower than bears captured at Western park (2,000-2,500 m, 41.9%). Besides of different terrain of two study sites, pressure from development and human activity of low altitude area near Western park might impeded bear use low altitude habitats. Bears captured at Eastern park utilized board-leaf forest (81.3%) mainly. In the other side bears of Western park utilized coniferous forest (36.2%) and board-leaf forest (31.0%) mainly, similar with proportion of the study area which shown no specific selection. Pressure from development and human activity of low altitude area where board-leaf forest distributes majorly could be an important reason as well. Activity data were collected from 3 bears. Average propotion of daily activity was 40.3% (range: 27-52%). 3 bears actived mainly diurnally, with peaks at dusk and dawn. Seasonal activity rhythms shown higher activity in Fall and Winter, the highest and lowest average seasonal activity propotion was 55.5% of fall and 40% of spring, respectively.
We established 4 x 4 km survey grids within YNP for wild mamals relative abundance camera trap surveillance,. Citizen science and YNP volunteer were took part in the project. The recored animal and corresponding occurrence index were Formosan Reeve's muntjac(Muntiacus reevesi micrurus) 30.32, Formosan sambar deer(Rusa unicolor swinhoei) 22.10, Formosan macaque(Macaca cyclopis) 19.80, Formosan serow(Capricornis swinhoei) 3.06, Formosan wild boar(Sus scrofa taivanus) 2.44, Formosan ferret badger(Melogale moschata subaurantiaca) 2.23, Formosan gem-faced civet(Paguma larvata taivana) 1.31, Formosan yellow throated marten(Mustela sibirica taivana) 0.97, Formosan weasel(Mustela sibirica taivana) 0.90, crab-eating mongoose(Herpestes urva formosanus) 0.44 and Formosan black bear 0.28.
Human-bear conflict (HBC) became a major issue of bear research and management worldwide in recent years. There were several conflict cases reported in YNP or peripheral area. For enhancing capacity of bear rescue and HBC management of authority of YNP, we held a workshop of “Formosan black bear rescure and human-bear conflict management” and there were relevant authorities, experts and scholars took part in and sharing experience together. Torist and recreational facilities management takes major influence on HBC risk in YNP. We are looking forward YNP become a human-bear safe country with successful conservation effort. Continuos public education of bear behavior and ecology based on scientific research with differnet medias and tools was recommended.
  • 計畫編號: 1344
  • 辦理方式: 委託辦理
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 111年1月至111年12月
  • 執行機關: 國立屏東科技大學
  • 年度: 111
  • 計畫經費: 新臺幣196萬元
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 黃美秀
  • 中文關鍵字: 臺灣黑熊、人造衛星定位追蹤、公民科學家、自動照相機、族群監測、國家公園經營管理
  • 英文關鍵字:Formosan black bear, satellite tracking, citizen science, camera trap, population monitoring