





Study of Habitat and Population Dynamics of Hynobius formosanus
自民國79年1月到民國80年4月,在阿里山地區及自忠地區,並於79年6月起至80年4月止,於新中橫公路沿線選擇適當之棲地設置樣區,以研究臺灣山椒魚的族群變動及棲地因子之間的關係。由標放法結果顯示,以阿里山樣區的山椒魚數量最高(129 隻次);自忠B樣區次之(52隻次),最少的是神木林道樣區。春季是發現山椒魚的高峰季節,冬季則可能因溫度下降、土壤表層乾燥及為繁殖而遷移,使得捕獲數目減少。單位面積(每一百平方公尺)捕獲量以自忠地區最高(6.35隻),鹿林樣區則因過度集中而造成單位面積捕獲量偏低(1.08隻)。由族群組成分析得知,小於17mm的幼小山椒魚大量出現於春季。由幼小山椒魚出現時段推測阿里山地區山椒魚繁殖季節約始於9 月,延續至同年1 月;塔塔加樣區的繁殖季節則較為延後。
The study of the relation between population dynamics and habitat factors of Hynobius formosanus was conducted in the Alishan and Zijhong areas from January 1990 to April 1991. Sample areas were set up in appropriate habitat selected along the New Central Cross-island Highway. Results from using the mark-recapture method indicated that the Alishan plots had the largest population of Hynobius formosanus (129 individual counts), B plot in Zijhong had the second largest population (52 individual counts), and the Shenmu Forest Road plot had the least. Spring was the peak season to encounter Hynobius formosanus. In the winter less Hynobius formosanus were captured, perhaps due to the lower temperature, drier surface layer, and breeding migration. The highest number of capture per unit area (per 100 m2) was in the Zijhong area (6.35 individuals). The Lulin plot had lower number of capture per unit area (1.08 individuals) due to over concentration. Population composition analysis showed that the juvenile Hynobius formosanus smaller than 17 mm appeared in great number in spring, which indicated that the breeding season of the species starts in September and continues to January of the next year in the Alishan area. The breeding season in the Tataka area is slightly delayed.
  • 性質: 動物
  • 執行機關: 師範大學
  • 年度: 79
  • 計畫經費: 200(仟元)
  • 領域: 所有領域
  • 主持人: 葉明欽