





Investigation on the Vascular Plants of the Guanshan Area of Yushan National Park I.
本研究範圍屬關山區,海拔向西北逐次遞減,由關山3666公尺,下降至梅山村864 公尺,落差近3000公尺,遼闊領域間孕育出豐富的生物景觀,植物分帶有秩,西走梅山村,經唯金溪橋、禮觀橋、天池、進逕橋、檜谷東達啞口,以南部橫貫公路沿線為主,塔關山、關山、關山嶺及向陽山等登山步道也循線探勘。每月地毯式採集範圍內的維管束植物,詳實記載生活習性和性狀,並攝製幻燈片。本次研究共採集14次,標本編號共3045號,植物名錄分為蕨類及種子植物兩項。蕨類共23科254種群,種子植物共110科703種群。分別為裸子植物18種群,單子葉146種群,雙子葉539種群,另列栽培植物共80種群。
The study was conducted in the Guanshan area, starting from an altitude of 3666 m in the northwest and steadily dropping to 864 m in Meishan Village, for a total drop of nearly 3000 m. The vast area nurtured a panorama of abundant life. The plants are distributed in an orderly fashion. The study was conducted along the Southern Cross-Island Highway from Meishan in the west and passing through Weijinsi Bridge, Liguan Bridge, Tianchi, Jinjing Bridge, Kuaigu before reaching Yako in the east. Hiking trails running along Mt. Taguan, Mt. Guan, Mt. Guanshanling, and Mt. Siangyang were also explored. Detailed and exhaustive surveys were conducted monthly in order to make detailed records of the habits and characteristics of vascular plants. Slides were also made. A total of 14 trips were made for this study, and 3045 specimens were collected. Plants were divided into two lists—pteridophyta and spermatophyta. 254 species groups and 23 families of ferns were discovered, along with 703 species groups and 110 families of spermatophyta. The spermatophyta list was further divided into 18 species groups of gymnosperms, 146 species groups of monocotyledon, 539 species groups of dicotyledon, and 80 species groups of cultivated plants.
  • 性質: 植物
  • 辦理方式: 委託辦理
  • 執行機關: 成功大學
  • 年度: 76
  • 計畫經費: 60(仟元)
  • 領域: 所有領域
  • 主持人: 郭長生