





Conservation education and outreach programs
The Yushan National Park has been identified as the only high-density benchmark area for endangered Formosan black bears. It was also the only study site for long-term monitoring the wild bear population throughout Taiwan. For enhancing the conservation and management capacity of the park about black bears, the project continued to collect bear sighting reports area through interviews, and established relevant literature database about bears. Besides, various education outreach program were also conducted to improve conservation awareness about black bears. We collected 28 bear sighting reports around the park area during 2013- 2016. A total of 272 bear literatures and video footages were also collected. For improving the effectiveness and quality of conservation education about bears, we designed a PowerPoint presentation for a 1-2 hour course. Two outreach souvenirs, such as three-dimensional origami bears and dining table mats, along with a field brochure were produced. We also held three one-day training courses of Taiwan Black Bear Conservation and Education, as well as three 2-day filed training courses for the park staff, education volunteers and the general public. There were a total of 432 applicants and 255 participants, and 425 applicants and 62 participants for both activities, reprehensively. Finally, the participants indicated the high evaluation for both training courses and the further support for bear conservation outreach programs.
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 執行機關: 臺灣黑熊保育協會
  • 年度: 105
  • 計畫經費: 890000元
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 黃美秀
  • 中文關鍵字: 保育教育推廣、瀕臨絕種、玉山國家公園
  • 英文關鍵字:conservation outreach, endangered, Yushan National Park