





Present status of wildlife utilization in ceremony and ritual in indigenous communities around Yushan National Park, 2019-2020.
本計畫針對玉山國家公園內及周邊布農族原住民族各傳統祭典的執行和野生動物的利用進行瞭解,範圍包括南投縣信義鄉、花蓮縣卓溪鄉和高雄市桃源區。計畫期間訪談了七十位耆老及獵人,訪談結果綜合而言:(1) 近代狩獵時間以冬季或依個人需求而定;(2) 現今祭典多轉為展演形式;(3) 狩獵工具以喜得釘槍枝為主,山羌、山羊、水鹿、山豬及飛鼠都是常見的獵物;(4) 狩場範圍與距離較上一代縮小;(5) 陷阱獵會誤捕穿山甲和黑熊,是當地重要的保育課題;(6) 狩獵槍枝安全問題也是族人所關心的。本計畫共繪製國家公園內屬於13個部落的28個傳統獵區,大都以山頭或山脈為中心但不跨越溪谷。從過去10年各地的狩獵申請紀錄來看,僅卓溪鄉仍然在實施傳統的射耳祭,其他地區多已簡化為尋根活動,而桃源區甚至沒有狩獵申請的紀錄。本計畫也實際探勘七條具可及性的路線,作為後續長期監測自動相機樣區建置之路線,並提供長期監測架構形成的流程建議。
This study aims to understand the present status of wildlife utilization in ceremony and ritual in Bunun indigenous communities around Yushan National Park, including Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Zhuoxi Township, Hualien County, and Taoyuan District, Kaohsiung City. A total of 70 elders and hunters were interviewed and results showed: (1) hunting undertakes mainly in winter or according to personal requirement in contemporary period; (2) traditional ceremony and ritual had been largely presented as tourism attractions nowadays; (3) Hilti powder-actuated tool modified firearms are the most popular hunting weapons, and muntjac, serow, sambar, wild pig and flying squirrel are the most common game species today; (4) hunting area is much smaller and closer to the village compare with that in the previous generation; (5) by-catch non-target species, especially pangolin and black bear, is an important local conservation issue; (6) firearm safety also concerned by the hunters. Present study also mapped 28 traditional hunting grounds within the National Park which belong to the 13 Bunun communities, and majority of them including mountain tops or ridges but not river. Government records in the past 10 years showed that the only Zhuoxi Township followed the regulation to submit hunting application to the government for their annual Malahodaigian (the Ear-shooting Ceremony), others were mostly undertaking simple root-seeking activity as cultural activity. Taoyuan District doesn’t have any hunting application records. Seven trails with appropriate accessibility were surveyed for the camera trapping site selection for long-term wildlife population monitoring. A flowchart of camera trapping sites selection is provided.
  • 計畫編號: 1327
  • 辦理方式: 委託辦理
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 108年2月至109年12月
  • 執行機關: 國立屏東科技大學
  • 年度: 108
  • 計畫經費: 187萬元
  • 領域: 管理科學
  • 主持人: 裴家騏
  • 中文關鍵字: 狩獵管理、國家公園法、布農族、野生動物保育法、長期監測規劃
  • 英文關鍵字:hunting management, National Park Act, Bunun Ethnic Group, Wildlife Conservation Act, long-term moni