





Ecological Study and Monitor System of Yellow-throated Martens(Martes flavigula)at Tataka Recreation Area in Yushan National Park
黃喉貂(Martes flavigula chrysospila)為保育類動物,塔塔加遊憩區是目前台灣山區最容易目擊黃喉貂且交通最便利的區域之一,也是玉山國家公園熱門的遊憩區。近期目擊頻率增加,黃喉貂有可能是受廚餘、垃圾吸引,亦可能是數量增加,在遊客、犬貓寵物與流浪動物、黃喉貂之間的互動影響及可能產生的衝突,有必要加以釐清。本研究自2019年3月陸續架設9台獸徑型監測相機,3台解說教育型相機,3台監測黃喉貂捕捉陷阱籠,共15台。於2019年4月下旬開始置放3個Tomahawk踏板式捕捉獸籠陷阱,分別位於往天文台步道旁、塔塔加遊客中心旁及東埔山步道旁谷地。在進行預先誘餌(pre-bait)之後,於2019年5~8月進行捕捉,總計180個捕捉籠天,共捕捉繫放5隻黃喉貂個體,2雌3雄。雄性體重2.04~2.35公斤,體長53~56公分,尾長38.3~45公分。雌性體重1.45~1.64公斤,體長46~56.8公分,尾長36.4~37公分。無線電追蹤結果,每隻個體追蹤天數從19~34天不等,全部定位點76個。活動範圍以最小凸多邊形法(minimun convex polygon)計算,雄性活動範圍為16.7~19.2平方公里,平均17.95平方公里,雌性2.5~6.3平方公里,平均4.4平方公里。合併捕捉繫放、自動相機和目擊等資料,目前塔塔加地區至少有6群,共15隻黃喉貂個體,與2014年利用遺傳分析排遺辨識出12隻不同黃喉貂個體,差異不大。無線電追蹤資料若能搭配個體親緣關係分析,能進一步詮釋黃喉貂社會結構上與活動領域間的關係。疾病檢驗結果顯示5隻個體均有血液寄生原蟲肝簇蟲(Hepatozoon sp.),另也檢測出3隻個體帶有腺病毒,此兩者皆會導致慢性肝炎的可能。
Yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula chrysospila) is a protected species. Tataka Recreation Area attracts plenty of tourists and is currently the most accessible and convenient area to observe yellow-throated martens in Yushan National Park. Recently, yellow-throated maten sightings have increased. Yellow-throated marten may be attracted by leftover and garbage or the population may have increased. The interaction and possible conflicts among tourists, dogs, cats, and yellow-throated martens need further clarification. A total of 15 cameras traps and 3 Tomahawk traps were set up in the study area since 2019. Five yellow-throated martens were captured and radio-collared, including 2 females and 3 males. Radio tracking results show that male have home ranges from 16.7 to 19.2 km2 with mean 17.95 km2 and females have home ranges from 2.5 to 6.3 km2 with mean 4.4 km2. At least 6 groups of yellow-throated martens including 15 individuals were observed and photographed. Disease examination reveals that Hepatozoon sp. is found in 5 individuals and 3 individuals carry Adenoviruses, both of which may cause hepatitis.
  • 性質: 委託辦理計畫
  • 辦理方式: 委託辦理
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 108年1月至108年12月
  • 執行機關: 野聲環境生態顧問有限公司
  • 年度: 108
  • 計畫經費: 94萬元
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 姜博仁
  • 中文關鍵字: 黃喉貂、塔塔加、捕捉追蹤、自動照相機、監測系統、志工
  • 英文關鍵字:Yellow-throated marten, Tataka, radio tracking, monitor system, volunteer