Monitoring Study of Habitat and Breeding of Raptors in Yushan National Park in 2021-2023 with a Book Draft
玉山國家公園棲息著熊鷹(Nisaetus nipalensis)與林鵰(Ictinaetus malayensis) 兩種體型最大的猛禽,兩者相關生態習性少有探究。本研究以目視觀察、衛星追蹤及與自動照相機調查其自然史,研究成果最終將出版科普書。在2019年至2023年共繫放6隻熊鷹與1隻林鵰。2019年9月繫放4曆年母鳥,MCP由628 km2至2023年後降低且維持在13 km2;2020年5月繫放林鵰雛鳥在62日齡離巢,9-10月漸向外探索,追蹤時間近1年半,MCP廣達7,438 km2;同於2020年6月繫放6曆年亞成年母鷹(中之關對雌鳥) :MCP 17.2 km2,2021年5月繁殖一雌性雛鳥,進行繫放後,目前MCP 782 km2;2022年1月繫放5曆年公鷹 (中之關對雄鳥):MCP 11.2 km2與其配偶重疊90%,但在4月底後失聯,於2023年3月再度現身捕捉平台;2022年3月繫放庫哈諾辛山麓的成年雄鳥,與中之關對隔著南橫公路比鄰而居:MCP 23.6 km2,但在2023年度僅約6.8 km2。不論中之關對或是林鵰繁殖對皆築巢於五葉松(Pinus morrisonicola Hayata)。中之關對熊鷹孵蛋期歷時49天,獵物中以山羌(Muntiacus reevesi Micrurus)最多(n=9, 25%),其中以小山羌為主(n=8)。其次是鳥類(11隻,30.6%),藍腹鷴(Lophura swinhoii)最多(11.1%)。生物量方面同樣以山羌貢獻最高 (54.5%),兩種飛鼠次之(共16.36%);鳥類以藍腹鷴最高(13.3%)。2021年度幼鷹在育雛期70天後離巢,10月下旬逐漸離開親鳥活動範圍,離巢直線最遠至22 km。中之關對於2022年2月再度繁殖,孵蛋首日較去年晚12日,且巢位轉移至300公尺外的陡坡另築新巢,然4月13日(產卵後50日)孵化失敗,同區的林鵰亦是如此。該年度孵蛋期的降雨量為2021年同期的三至四倍之多,疑與繁殖失敗有關。2023年中之關對再度繁殖,提早17天下蛋且成功養育幼鳥,目前仍於親鳥活動範圍內活動,顯示孵蛋日或許與親鳥產後身體條件好壞有關。該年度育雛期間新記錄1筆台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)捕食紀錄。在飛行模式部分,林鵰與熊鷹的滯空時間與翼負重呈明顯負相關(Spearman’s rs= -0.83, p=0.01),林鵰有更輕的翼負重與更大的翼面積,其滯空時間高出熊鷹約4.5倍。
The Yushan National Park is home to two of the largest raptors, the Mountain Hawk eagle (Nisaetus nipalensis) and the Black eagle (Ictinaetus malayensis). However, there has been limited exploration of the ecological behaviors. This study uses visual observation, satellite tracking, and camera traps to survey their life history, and the findings will eventually be published in a popular science book. Between 2019 and 2023, a total of 6 Mountain hawk eagle s and 1 Black eagle were ringed. In September 2019, a 4-year-old female eagle was ringed, with a Minimum convex polygon (MCP) ranging from 628 km² initially to a reduced and maintained 13 km² after 2023.In May 2020, a Black eagle fledgling was ringed at 62 days old, gradually exploring from September to October. Tracked for nearly 1.5 years, MCP extended to 7,438 km².In June 2020, six-year-old subadult female eagle s (female bird of Zhongzhiguan pair) were ringed. The female successfully breeds in May 2021, the fledging expanding the MCP to 782 km².In January 2022, five-year-old male eagle s (male bird of Zhongzhiguan pair) were ringed, MCP was 11.2 km². overlapping with their home range by 90%.
However, it lost contact after late April, but reappearing on the capture platform in March 2023.In March 2022, an adult male eagle was released near Kuhanuosin Mountain, living in close proximity to the Zhongzhiguan pair separated by the Southern Cross-Island Highway, The MCP was 23.6 km², but by 2023, it had reduced to approximately 6.8 km². Both Mountain hawk eagle s and Black eagle build nests in Taiwan white pine (Pinus morrisonicola Hayata). The Mountain hawk eagle incubation period lasts 49 days, with Formosan reeve's muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) being the primary prey (n=9, 25%), mainly young (n=8). Birds (n=11, 30.6%) follow, with the Swinhoe's pheasant being the most common (11.1%). In terms of biomass, Formosan Reeve's muntjac contribute the most (54.5%), followed by two species of flying squirrels (16.36%). Among birds, the Swinhoe's pheasant has the highest contribution (13.3%).
In 2021, leave the nest after a 70-day nesting period, gradually leaving the parental home range by late October, with a maximum straight-line distance of 22 km. In 2022, the Mountain hawk eagle began breeding again on February, with the incubation starting 12 days later than the previous year. The nest was relocated 300 meters away to a steep slope, but on April 13 (50 days after laying eggs), incubation failed, as did that of the Black eagle in the same area. The rainfall during the incubation period in that year was three to four times higher than the same period in 2021, suggesting a possible link to breeding failure. In 2023, the Mountain hawk eagle breed again, laying eggs 17 days earlier and the breeding successful, the fledging fly away from the nest, currently remaining active within the parental activity range, this indicates that the incubation period may be related to the postpartum condition of the parents.
During the nesting period that year, a new record of a Formosan macaque (Macaca cyclopis) preying was documented. In terms of flight patterns, the soaring time and wing loading of Mountain hawk eagle and Black eagle shown significant negative correlation (Spearman’s rs= -0.83, p=0.01), with Black eagle having lower wing loading and larger wing areas, resulting in a soaring time about 4.5 times longer than Mountain hawk eagle.