





The correlation between the activities of Formosan sambar and tourists in Tataga, Yushan Nation Park
近年來臺灣水鹿在高海拔地區的數量日益增加,高山型家公園遊客數量也不斷上升,兩者的接觸機會頻繁,在動物與人類的生態、安全管理上形成新的挑戰。本計畫以自動相機監測塔塔加地區遊客與水鹿的活動,並比較其出現頻度、活動模式與空間分布;研究結果顯示 (1) 水鹿活動地點明顯避開遊客活動區域; ;(2) 水鹿的日活動週期亦避開遊客的活動高峰,水鹿日間會避開遊客熱區 。綜合以上結果,本研究認為塔塔加地區水對人類活動極為敏感,因此人類與水鹿接觸的機率極低,暫時沒有疾病、安全上的顧慮。然而水鹿未來仍有可能逐漸適應遊客的存在,使得兩者的接觸風險提高。建議未來研究塔塔加水鹿在鄰近公路的區域之移動,評估水鹿可能造成的交通安全風險。
The abundance of Formosan sambar has increased in alpine areas in recent years. Number of tourists at alpine national parks also increases continuously. Opportunities of contacts between sambar and tourists bring new challenges to the ecology, health, and safety management for human and animals. The impact of tourist activities in national parks on wildlife behavior is an important topic in management. This project monitored activity of human and Formosan sambar in the Tataga area using camera traps and compared their frequency of appearance, activity pattern and spatial distribution. Results shows that 1) sambar avoided tourists in its spatial distribution. Frequency of appearance was higher at locations further from tourist hot zone. 2) Sambar also avoided tourists in its daily activity pattern. Sambar tended to be active during the night in areas closer to tourist hot zone. Therefore, we argue that sambar in the Tataga area is sensitive to human activities. Probability of contact between sambar and tourists is low. Currently there is no concern
about safety and health of sambar and tourists. However, with continuous growing of the number of sambar and tourists, and also with friendly attitude of tourists toward sambar, it is possible that sambar may get used to tourists and finally contacts between human and animal may happen. Future research could use GPS telemetry to study the movement of sambar adjacent to roads and to evaluate possible traffic risks caused by sambar
  • 計畫編號: 1328
  • 辦理方式: 委託辦理
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 109年1月至109年12月
  • 執行機關: 國立屏東科技大學
  • 年度: 109
  • 計畫經費: 91萬8,000元
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 翁國精
  • 中文關鍵字: 臺灣水鹿、遊客熱區、安全管理、塔塔加地區
  • 英文關鍵字:Formosan sambar, tourist hot zone, safety management, Tataga area