





Study on Population and Conservation Technique of the Cymbidium in Yushan National Park
蘭科植物中國蘭屬(Cymbidium)長期以來野外族群幾乎被採擷殆盡,本研究乃於玉山國家公園區域內針對Cymbidium之野外族群做種類及數量調查,研究期間調查人員分南安--瓦拉米步道、楠溪林道和梅蘭林道三條主要路線,進入園區18次,調查共有Cymbidium屬9種蘭科植物,以四季蘭(C. ensifolium var. rubrigemmum)出現頻度最高,有17次,報歲蘭(C. sinense Willd.)與寒蘭(C. Kanran)頻度最低,只有1次;並將紀錄以衛星定位儀GARMIN GPS 45定位,方便日後採種或追蹤管理。
並採取部份果莢或新芽於實驗室內進行無菌播種或組織培養試驗,在春蘭(C. formosanum)及四季蘭部份已建立復育模式。
The wild population of the Chinese Cymbidium from the orchid family has long been exploited to the point of distinction. This is a study of the variety and population of the wild Cymbidium population in Yushan National Park. During the study, researchers had conducted 18 surveys in the park along three main routes: the Nanan-Walami Trail, the Nansi Forest Road, and the Meilan Forest Road. 9 species of orchids from the genus Cymbidium were found in the study, of which C. ensifolium var. rubrigemmum was recorded 17 times, therefore it had the highest encounter frequency; C. sinense Willd. and C. Kanran were each recorded only once, therefore they had the lowest encounter frequency. GARMIN GPS 45 was used to record the site of discovery in order to collected information for future cultivation and management plans. Certain pods and new buds were collected to conduct sterile seeding and tissue culture experiments in laboratory. The restoration model of C. formosanum and C. ensifolium var. rubrigemmum were established.
  • 性質: 植物
  • 辦理方式: 自行研究
  • 執行機關: 本處解說教育課
  • 年度: 85
  • 計畫經費: 390(仟元)
  • 領域: 所有領域
  • 主持人: 許重州等