





Survey on Mammals of the Guanshan Area Ⅰ
在過去一年中於玉山國家公園南橫段落沿線之哺乳動物之調查,共記錄到二十種的哺乳動物。他們分別屬於食蟲目、靈長目、鱗甲目、囓齒目、兔形目、食肉目和偶蹄目等七目,在這些動物中,以囓齒類的動物最多,共八種,其次是偶蹄目共四種。至於屬於台灣特有種的哺乳動物共有五種;即台灣鼴鼠、台灣煙尖鼠、台灣獼猴、高山白腹鼠和台灣森鼠。特有亞種中則以水鹿、台灣長鬃山羊和台灣野兔等較特殊。這二十種哺乳動物,共佔本島有記錄陸棲哺乳動物之1/3 以上。至於記錄到之哺乳動物,頻率最高的為白面鼯鼠,大赤鼯鼠次之,如以調查地點或段落來看,則天池附近記錄到的哺乳動物,種類最多,共有十七種,而啞口林道次之,共有十六種。在此次南橫沿線調查到的動物中,海拔分布範圍超2000公尺以上的,只有台灣長鬃山羊和台灣獼猴二種。親眼目睹到野生動物的機遇率,除鼯鼠、獼猴及華南鼬鼠外,其他動物不易見到。
Total 20 species of mammals were recorded from the Southern Cross-Island Highway in Yushan National Park. They belonged to Artiodactyla, Carnivora, Lagomorpha, Pholidota, Rodentia, Rodentia, Primates, and Insectivora. Among these 7 orders, Rodentia contains with the highest species ratio (8 species), followed by Artiodactyla. Endemic species were Mogera insularia, Soriculus fumidus, Macaca cyclopsis, Rattus culturatus, Apodemus semotus, and endemic subspecies were Lepus sinensis, Cervus unicolor, and Capricornis swinhoei. Based on the total recorded mammalisan species in Taiwan, more than 1/3 of species could be found in the Southern Cross-island Highway. White faced flying squirrels was the animal with the highest recorded frequency, and followed by formosan giant flying squirrels. According to different sections of the Highway, we saw 17 species near Tianchi, and 16 species from the YaKo Forest Road. In this study, only formosan serows and monkeys appeared in the areas where were more than 2000m in elevation. Most of animals along the Road were very difficult to be spotted, except flying squirrels, monkeys and formosan weasels.
  • 性質: 動物
  • 辦理方式: 委託辦理
  • 執行機關: 自然生態保育協會
  • 年度: 76
  • 計畫經費: 600(仟元)
  • 領域: 所有領域
  • 主持人: 呂光洋