





Phenology along Yushan Peaks Trail from Tatachia to Yushan Main Peak in Yushan National Park
本調查於2016年3-10月在玉山國家公園境內之塔塔加-玉山主峰線步道,自塔塔加登山口起(海拔2,537 m)至玉山主峰(海拔3,952 m),每月進行種子植物物候觀察,進一步了解之氣象因子與植物物候關係,不同海拔、生育地等環境對物候之影響,以及植物生活型、授粉方式、種子類型與氣象因子之關係等,並嘗試由植物物候觀察過程中,選擇可以作為氣候變遷之指標物種。
Plants live in the alpine zone exhibit their characteristic adaptations to the environment. The alpine ecosystem is an important area where study the global climate change in recent year. Because the species habitat in this ecosystem which population structure, population dynamic and the microenvironment change and so on each factor have provided the indirect evidence regarding the global climate change. And the phenology of alpine species is a way to research historic, current climate changes and repercussion Mt. Jade is one of the representative alpine ecosystems in Taiwan. The flowering and fruiting phenologies were surveyed along the Yunthan main peak trail from Tatachia (alt. 2,537 m) to mountain peak (alt. 3,952 m) of Yushan National park during March 2016 to October 2016 for each month. Total 171 species were recorded for phenology, among them, 155 species flowering were recorded. The flowering species number increased with the raising temperature significantly. The abundacne of flowering species occurred in July-August 2016, and the number of flowering species began to decrease in September. The abundance of fruiting species occurred in September 2016, which was about 1 month later than the peak of flowering species number. With the elevation ascent, most of plants tended to bloom later than those the same species grow in lower altitudes. Comparied with the flowering phenologies among 1987-1989, 2013, and 2016 in Mt. Jade, the aboundance of blooming speceis number occurred in July of 1987-1989. The abundant blooming species of 2013 and 2016 were occurred in August, which appeared later than 1987-1989. In this study, we also conducted time-lapse monitoring photograph on species such as Primula miyabeana, Potentilla leuconota, Prunus obstusata, Spiraea tatakaensis, Rhododendron rubropilosum, R. pseudochrysanthum, Cirsium arisanense and C. tatakaense. The flowering accumulated temperature of Primula miyabeana, Potentilla leuconota, R. rubropilosum, R. pseudochrysanthum, C. arisanense and C. tatakaense were calculated
  • 辦理方式: 委託研究
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 執行機關: 國立中興大學
  • 年度: 105
  • 計畫經費: 940000元
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 曾喜育
  • 中文關鍵字: 玉山國家公園、高山生態系、氣候變遷、植物物候
  • 英文關鍵字:Yushan National park, alpine ecosystem, climate change, plant phenology.