





Population Dynamics and Ecology of Mikado Pheasants in Two Contrasting Habitats in the Yushan National Park Ⅲ.
本研究的目的是使用捕捉、觀察以及無線電遙測技術來增進對於黑長尾雉的認識。我們特別關心的是:1) 黑長尾雉的生殖潛能以及其模式;2) 導致其死亡之原因; 3) 壽命;4) 棲地的使用;5) 裝置無線電發報器之個體的分佈及其相互影響;以及6) 兩個研究地以及玉山國家公園區內的黑長尾雉數量。
我們研究的重心是在玉山國家公園區內的兩處研究地上。郡大研究地位於郡大林道,靠近觀高;對關研究地則位於觀高坪以及對關之間的八通關古道上。本研究的所有資料都是來自這兩個研究地。身上配戴著無線電發報器的黑長尾雉使用之棲地環境以混合林佔優勢,這些黑長尾雉有著互相重疊的活動範圍,顯示牠們的行為並不具有領域性。以郡大研究地而言,使用林道的黑長尾雉估計有53隻,族群密度為59隻/ km2;而在對關研究地使用八通關古道的黑長尾雉則估計有101隻,族群密度為69隻/ km2。根據假設條件,玉山國家公園區內至少擁有11,000隻黑長尾雉。
This study is to use trapping, observation, and radio-telemetry techniques to improve our understanding of Mikado Pheasants. The particular interests were:1) the reproductive potential and pattern, 2) causes of mortality, 3) longevity, 4) habitat use, 5) distribution and interaction of radio?-tagged pheasants, and 6) population size of pheasants within the two study sites and within Yushan National Park.
Research was concentrated in two study areas inside Yushan National Park. The Chunta study site was near Guangao on the Chunta Forest Road. The Dueiguan study site was on the Batungguan Trail between Guangaopin and Dueiguan. All the data presented here are from these two study sites. The habitat used by radio-tagged pheasants was predominantly mixed forest habitat; either logged or pristine. Radio-tagged pheasants had overlapping ranges, suggesting lack of territorial behavior. For the Chunta study site, 53 pheasants were estimated to use the road. Population density was estimated to be 59 pheasants per km2. The number of pheasants estimated to use the Batungguan Trail within the Dueiguan study site was 101. This study site had an estimated population density of 69 pheasants per km2. Assuming that the density of Mikado Pheasants is constant in these habitats, there are at least 11,000 Mikado Pheasants inside Yushan National Park.
  • 性質: 動物
  • 辦理方式: 委託研究
  • 執行機關: 東海大學
  • 年度: 99
  • 計畫經費: 900(仟元)
  • 領域: 所有領域
  • 主持人: 喬雅玲
  • 中文關鍵字: 帝雉