




110 -111 年度玉山國家公園黃喉貂空間族群調查、生態監測及疾病檢測計畫

Spatial Ecology, Population Structure and Disease Surveillance of Yellow-Throated Marten (Martes flavigula chrysospila) in Tataka, Yushan National Park
黃喉貂(Martes flavigula chrysospila)在臺灣為特有亞種,在臺灣陸域哺乳類紅皮書名錄歸類為國家易危物種。由於近年來在玉山國家公園塔塔加遊憩區內遊客目擊黃喉貂的頻率增加,因此遊客、其攜帶的寵物及遊蕩犬貓與黃喉貂族群接觸的可能性較往年高,可能衍生潛在的衝突及疾病傳播風險。過去在臺灣較少有針對黃喉貂的生態研究,因此從2019前期研究計畫開始便持續透過追蹤、目擊紀錄以及自動相機監測,針對其活動範圍、族群數量與趨勢、社會結構及與遊客的互動等方面進行調查與評估。

本期計畫將監測相機樣點由塔塔加地區延伸到玉山群峰(n=16),並將玉山樣點及塔塔加部分樣點(n=6)監測資料與2010年玉山地區中大型哺乳動物監測計畫比較,發現黃喉貂的出現頻度無論是在玉山或塔塔加地區並無明顯變化,且2019年前期計畫於塔塔加地區架設的監測相機(n=19)持續監測至本期計畫,在相對豐富度尚亦無明顯年間變化,顯示塔塔加及玉山地區的黃喉貂族群量可能並無明顯波動。在其他食肉目動物中,黃鼠狼(Mustela sibirica taivana)的出現頻度在塔塔加地區下降了將近十倍,在玉山地區則上升了約2倍。高山小黃鼠狼(Mustela formosana)的出現紀錄則主要集中在玉山圓峰的樣點,較十年前有明顯上升的趨勢,且有多筆白天出沒的紀錄。中大型草食獸中,水鹿(Rusa unicolor)及山羌(Muntiacus reevesi micrurus)的出現頻度明顯較十年前上升2至3倍,玉山地區的臺灣野山羊(Capricornis swinhoei)出現頻度則有下降的趨勢。


在活動範圍分析上,本計畫使用有效追蹤點位超過10筆的10隻個體(其中4隻為GPS頸圈、4隻VHF頸圈及2隻GPS及VHF頸圈皆配戴過)的追蹤資料配合自動相機及目擊記錄估算活動範圍,發現母貂的平均活動範圍 (KDE95)為 13.7 ± 5.86 km2 (n= 5),公貂則為 54.33± 32.37 km2 (n=5)。利用4隻佩掛GPS頸圈的個體的點位(2雌2雄)進行Time Local Convex Hull空間分析,可觀察到本期計畫繫放的2隻母貂及2隻公貂都有重複利用各遊憩熱區覓食的行為,此結果符合目擊記錄的相關描述。


病原篩檢方面,2019年至2022年捕捉到的32隻個體均有感染血液寄生原蟲-肝簇蟲(Hepatozoon sp.),且有將近1/3的個體有感染腺病毒(Canine mastadenovirus)。除此之外,在2020年被捕捉到的個體中有3隻個體檢測出犬小病毒2型的變異株(Canine Parvovirus type 2c, CPV-2c)陽性,而在2022年繫放個體中有4隻個體檢驗出犬瘟熱病原,感染犬小病毒及犬瘟熱之個體的血液檢查並無發現異常,也並沒有觀察到相關臨床症狀。由於塔塔加區域黃喉貂的肝簇蟲盛行率為100%,且檢測出的肝簇蟲已知會在貂科動物的肌肉及心肌產生結節及膿瘍,為了更進一步評估黃喉貂的健康狀態,今年度計畫新增檢測丙氨酸轉氨酶(Alanine aminotransferase, ALT)和丙麩胺醯氨轉酸酶(γ-Glutamyl transferase, GGT)等兩種對肝臟損傷和發炎較具特異性的檢驗項目,以及在心肌損傷方面有診斷意義的心肌旋轉蛋白(Troponin I, TnI)和在心肌及骨骼肌損傷時數值會升高的肌酸磷化酶(Creatine Kinase, CK)檢驗,並發現有高達85%的個體有TnI及CK異常偏高的情形,顯示這些個體都有心肌損傷的狀況,後續須特別關注這些個體的狀況以了解這些數值的異常是否對於個體的存活及活動有所影響。
Yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula chrysospila) is an endemic subspecies in Taiwan. In the past few years, the number of reported sightings of yellow-throated marten increased significantly in Tataka, a recreation area in the Yushan National Park. When the contact between visitors, their pets and the martens increases, conflicts and risk of disease transmission between them might also rise. As a result, it is crucial to understand the cause of higher sightings and the impact of tourism on the population and distribution of yellow-throated marten. This study, along with the survey started in 2019, focused on investigating the population, home range, activity pattern, social structure of yellow-throated marten and their interaction with visitors in the Tataka recreation area. Nineteen trail cameras have been implemented in Tataka since 2019 to monitor the relative abundance of yellow-throated marten. Additionally, 16 cameras were set along the trail route of Mt. Jade to compare with the relative abundance of meso and large mammals documented in the research project conducted in 2010 and 2011. The results showed that the relative abundance of yellow-throated marten did not change significantly either in Tataka or the area surrounding Mt. Jade during the past ten years, while the abundance of Formosan Sambar Deer (Rusa unicolor)and Formosan Muntjac(Muntiacus reevesi micrurus) increased almost 3 folds recently. The abundance of Taiwan least weasel(Mustela formosana) increased significantly only in the Mt. Jade area, while the Formosan weasel showed an opposite trend in the Tataka area.
In this project, 19 individuals, including 11 males and 8 females, were captured, sampled and radio-collared in 2019 and 2020. Sightings of yellow-throated marten being reported by tourists, volunteers and the staff working in the Tataka recreation area were recorded. Based on the images or video recorded by trail cameras, it was found that male yellow-throated marten underwent a reduction in testis size from January to August, and then became most prominent during the mating season- October to December. During the same period, the female martens showed signs of heat period, and gave birth between late March and the middle of April.
Results from the radio and GIS tracking showed that the average home range(KDE95) of female (n=5) and male (n=5) individuals was 13.7 ± 5.86 km2 and 54.33± 32.37 km2 separately. The isopleths of 4 martens wearing GPS collars showed that all martens repetitively visited the recreation area to search for food left by the visitors, which corresponded with the sighting records.
Tissue samples collected from 26 individuals between 2020 and 2022 were used for kinship analysis, and 7 parental pairs, 6 full-sibling pairs and 19 half-sibling pairs were recognized. All of the male martens that remained in the same group for 4 to 6 months were not kinship groups.
In terms of disease surveillance, all of the martens ( n=32) captured since 2019 were infected with Hepatozoon sp., and about one-third of them were co-infected with Canine mastadenovirus. Furthermore, 3 and 4 individuals captured separately in 2020 and 2022 were infected with Canine Parvovirus type 2c and Canine distemper virus. Blood biochemistry tests revealed the elevation of hepatic and cardiac indices in some individuals. Whether the pathogens detected among those individuals affected their fitness in the wild requires further study.
  • 計畫編號: 1345
  • 辦理方式: 委託研究
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 110 年 4 月至 111 年 12 月
  • 執行機關: 野聲環境生態顧問有限公司
  • 年度: 111
  • 計畫經費: 新臺幣 323 萬 5,000 元
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 姜博仁
  • 中文關鍵字: 黃喉貂、塔塔加、捕捉追蹤、自動照相機、人獸互動、監測系統、志工
  • 英文關鍵字:yellow-throated marten, tataka, camera trap, tracking, population management