In addition to the role of the main office, the Yushan National Park Administrative Office next to the riverside of Shuili Township, Nantou County is also the Shuili Visitor Center. On top of answering various inquiries about the Yushan National Park, the Exhibition Room also displays sceneries along Mt. Jade’s main peak hiking trail and the Batongguan Traversing Trail, as well as environmental information and ecological introduction on animals and plants in the Park. The audiovisual room regularly plays introductory films about Yushan National Park, so viewers can understand more beauties of nature. Diversified events of art exhibitions along the corridors provide different amazement to less frequent visitors in every visit. After the whole trip around the Center, you must be tired! Besides resting in the courtyard, light meals are also provided at the tuck shop in addition to souvenirs.
Although there is still a long way to the Park, there are still many places of interest near Shuili; the examples are the magnificent reservoir of Mingtan Power Station, ice cream at Erping Mountain overlooking the Shuili scenery and Checheng Forestry Recreation area at last railway station of Jiji Route. Do not forget to visit the Visitor Center if passing by, and also experience the Shuili attractions!