





Botanical Inventory and Advance Planning of Plant Popular Science Textbooks in Tataka and Yushan Main Peak Line Ares of Yushan National Park
本研究針對塔塔加地區的步道與林道進行沿線植物種類的調查,並分別設置森林與灌叢草生地的植群樣區各31和58個,共記錄87科215屬332種維管束植物,臺灣特有種118種,特有率達35.54%。稀有種有黃氏衛矛(嚴重瀕危CR)、玉山鐵稈蒿(瀕危EN)、塔塔加龍膽(易危VU)、高山當藥(易危VU)、能高大山紫雲英(易危VU)、塔山櫻 (瀕危EN)、臺灣野梨 (嚴重瀕危CR)、白木通(NT接近威脅)等8種。歸化種記錄有19種,其中毛地黃,白花三葉草、西洋蒲公英是研究區步道出現率最高的前三名。植群的群聚分析結果顯示,森林植群依優勢種命名可分為 F1臺灣赤楊型、F2褐毛柳型、F3華山松型、F4臺灣鐵杉型,及F5狹葉櫟型;灌叢草生地可分為G1白花三葉草型、G2高山芒-玉山箭竹型、G3毛地黃型、G4抱鱗宿柱薹型、G5咬人貓-虎杖型、G6高山芒-大葉溲疏型、G7歐雀麥型、G8埔里杜鵑-臺灣馬醉木型。
Yushan National Park is a high-altitude national park. It is a representative alpine ecosystem in Taiwan which preserves complete natural resources. According different plant communities under harsh climatic conditions that animal and plant resources are different from other ecosystems. So, long-term investigation and monitoring are highly desirable. In order to focus on the integration of biological and ecological research, there is necessary to use biological phase data as the cornerstone; therefore, this study carried out the plant survey along the trails of Tataka to established the dimension of the study area. We set 31 and 56 samples of overstory and understory; among these samples, total of 87 families, 215 genera, and 332 species were investigated. There are 118 endemic species in Tataka area (endemic rate 35.54%). We find 8 rare species here, Euonymus huangii(CR), Aster morrisonensis( EN), Gentiana tatakensis(VU), Swertia tozanensis(VU), Astragalus nokoensis(VU), Prunus obtusata(EN), Pyrus taiwanensis(CR) and Akebia trifoliata subsp. australis(NT). 19 naturalized species were recorded, and among them, Digitalis purpurea, Trifolium repens and Taraxacum officinale were the most wildly distributed along the trails in Tataka area. The results of cluster analysis showed that forest vegetation would be divided into F1 Alnus formosana type, F2 Salix fulvopubescens type, F3 Pinus armandii var. mastersiana - Pinus taiwanensis type, F4 Photinia niitakayamensis type and F5 Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum type. And the shrub-grass land would be separated into G1 Trifolium repens type, G2 Miscanthus transmorrisonensis- Yushania niitakayamensis type, G3 Digitalis purpurea type, G4 Carex tristachya var. pocilliformis type, G5 Urtica thunbergiana- Polygonum cuspidatum type, G6 Miscanthus transmorrisonensis - Deutzia pulchra type, G7 Bromus commutatus type and G8 Rhododendron lasiostylum-Pieris taiwanensis type. Keywords: naturalize species, rare species, cluster analysis, Tataka area
  • 性質: 委託辦理計畫
  • 辦理方式: 委託辦理
  • 主管機關: 玉山國家公園管理處
  • 計畫期間: 108年1月至108年12月
  • 執行機關: 國立中興大學
  • 年度: 108
  • 計畫經費: 92萬元
  • 領域: 自然生態保育
  • 主持人: 曾喜育
  • 中文關鍵字: 歸化種、稀有種、群聚分析、塔塔加地區
  • 英文關鍵字:naturalize species, rare species, cluster analysis, Tataka area